Cheap and easiest way to travel with a large dog?

I have a large male Dobermann Pinscher i show him around Europe as he is cropped and docked i cannot show him in UK hense why i show him abroad.I am looking for alternative ways to get from UK to Europe that does not include flying as the last time we…

    Cheap and easiest way to travel with a large dog?

    I have a large male Dobermann Pinscher i show him around Europe as he is cropped and docked i cannot show him in UK hense why i show him abroad.I am looking for alternative ways to get from UK to Europe that does not include flying as the last time we…...
    General Dog Discussions : Cheap and easiest way to travel with a large dog?...

    • Cheap and easiest way to travel with a large dog?

      Cheap and easiest way to travel with a large dog? General Dog Discussions
      I have a large male Dobermann Pinscher i show him around Europe as he is cropped and docked i cannot show him in UK hense why i show him abroad.I am looking for alternative ways to get from UK to Europe that does not include flying as the last time we flew he ended up very ill and was unable to show and i almost lost him, so i am looking for a cheaper way to travel with Rune by my side i do not drive so that idea is out the questionthanks for your time everyone

      Cheap and easiest way to travel with a large dog?

      Cheap and easiest way to travel with a large dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Car pool! There is a lot of carpooling agencies everywhere in the world. Find one close to you and get a membership (It's usually under 20 buck) Make sure to mention that you are traveling with a big dog.