How to give first aid to dogs?

Well, I have a dog, and I'm affraid if something ever happened I wouldnt be ale to react! I would like to know if any of you guys know a good website where I could learn how to give first aid to dogs or other animals? thanks

    How to give first aid to dogs?

    Well, I have a dog, and I'm affraid if something ever happened I wouldnt be ale to react! I would like to know if any of you guys know a good website where I could learn how to give first aid to dogs or other animals? thanks...
    General Dog Discussions : How to give first aid to dogs?...

    • How to give first aid to dogs?

      How to give first aid to dogs? General Dog Discussions
      Well, I have a dog, and I'm affraid if something ever happened I wouldnt be ale to react! I would like to know if any of you guys know a good website where I could learn how to give first aid to dogs or other animals? thanks

      How to give first aid to dogs?

      How to give first aid to dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • Ifyour dog is bleeding, apply pressure. If your dog is choking, get it's head lower than it's body and pat the back rather firmly to dislodge what is stuck. Other than that, keep your vet's phone# on speed dial and have a back up Emergency vets number for those late night crises.

    • I don't know of any website, however I do know that even the friendliest of dogs will be worried if they are not accustomed to being examined and have to be treated in an emergency.You must always check and handle every part of your dogs body on a regular basis. Open it's mouth, check it's teeth. Get hold of it's ears and sniff for any unusual smells. Lift the tail and examine the anus, because dogs can have problems there. You should also check for lumps and bumps all over the body. Plus you must handle it's feet because dogs are very sensitive about their feet.You should also train your dog to take medicine from a spoon, by simply giving it water from a spoon or by getting it used to you administering water via a syringe.A dog can be also trained to allow you to open its mouth to administer tablets, then if it has a medical problem the dog will not be stressed. By doing the above you can help your dog to cope with medication and treatment and it will help enormously if you need to give first aid.I almost forget about getting a sample of urine for the vet, often a vet request this. Anticipate that at some stage you will need to collect a urine sample and train your dog to pee into a soup ladle It's easy to do this, however you need treats. Start by touching your dog on any parts of it's body with a soup ladle and then giving it a treat. Keep doing this and eventually touch the area where a urine sample can be collect from. Then when you need a sample your dog will produce.The above is a very long winded way of illustrating how your dogs can be treated if it's ever ill and it will help you if it ever needs first aid.