dog has a hard dark scab looking & red sore can somebody please help me i am afraid to touch her?

My dog has a red bump on her back Top is hard dark scab looking & red sore looking underneath next to skin

    dog has a hard dark scab looking & red sore can somebody please help me i am afraid to touch her?

    My dog has a red bump on her back Top is hard dark scab looking & red sore looking underneath next to skin...
    General Dog Discussions : dog has a hard dark scab looking & red sore can somebody please help me i am afraid to touch her?...

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    • dog has a hard dark scab looking & red sore can somebody please help me i am afraid to touch her?

      dog has a hard dark scab looking & red sore can somebody please help me i am afraid to touch her? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has a red bump on her back Top is hard dark scab looking & red sore looking underneath next to skin

      dog has a hard dark scab looking & red sore can somebody please help me i am afraid to touch her?

      dog has a hard dark scab looking & red sore can somebody please help me i am afraid to touch her? General Dog Discussions
    • Take her to the vet for a check-up, but for now you can wash it gently. Mix a little ordinary table/cooking salt in water (about a teaspoon in a pint of lukewarm water). Using cotton wool (or a clean cloth) lightly wash the wound with the salt solution. That will clean-up any dirt or anything loose around the wound. Try to stop her licking the wound as this may open up the scab.Take her to the vet in the morning.