I'm thinking of getting a new dog. How should I start?

I want a small, hairy dog. Doesn't grow too large. I live in Singapore, the weather is hot and humid.

    I'm thinking of getting a new dog. How should I start?

    I want a small, hairy dog. Doesn't grow too large. I live in Singapore, the weather is hot and humid....
    Dog Breed Discussions : I'm thinking of getting a new dog. How should I start?...

    • I'm thinking of getting a new dog. How should I start?

      I'm thinking of getting a new dog. How should I start? Dog Breed Discussions
      I want a small, hairy dog. Doesn't grow too large. I live in Singapore, the weather is hot and humid.

      I'm thinking of getting a new dog. How should I start?

      I'm thinking of getting a new dog. How should I start? Dog Breed Discussions
    • REALLY? SINGAPORE?Okay, well first things first, you have to know what dog you want. Something that is small and hairy. There's the Long Haired Chihuahua, The Pomeranian, The Papillon, Affenpinscher, The Havanese, The Yorkie and Silky Terrier, and The Brussels Griffon.I'm a dog groomer so I know my little, hairy breeds.First things first. Hit the SPCA's if they have them there. It's a fancy word for the pound in my opinion, but you'll be saving a life and at least you know you won't be eating 1 dog in your food. lol.If that doesn't work, look for dog breeders in Singapore. Odds are, you'll find a ton of them.Good luck and have fun with it.

    • jack russel, scottie dog, mind you jack russels are quite vicious, get a chihuahua : they are small, have hair, cute and can survive heat ! just make sure you get one that isnt vicious with pokey out eyes lol and dont dress it up !! =D

    • how about a shitizu? they have hair and don't shed. they could be clipped/shaven short when its hot and humid, and left to grow back their hair when weather turns colder. having hair makes them hypo-allergenic most of the time.depending on their parents, they weigh between about 7lbs. to 20 lbs. though they wont win any awards for their smarts, they can be very intuitive. they are soo sweet & love everyone - pets and children included. they come in different colors too! they are very loving & cuddly and the amount of mess they make is minimal! (bonus!)they also are 'homebodies'... meaning they normally don't run away when you let them off their leash.-- I had a shitizu years ago - though she wasn't very smart she made up for it in sweetness. she was easily house trained, and could do the minimal commands- come - sit - stay which was fine for me.In the hot summer I shaved her, and let her hair grow a bit longer in the winter - but I never let her hair get as long as you will see in books/photos, as it would get really tangled and too difficult to keep groomed once it got past a certain length... besides when shaved/groomed close their hair is soo soft!I have a black labradoodle now, who is about 35 lbs..and not fully grown yet. she doesn't shed either but she needs lots of exercise and makes a mess when she drinks and eats, and the house gets dirty faster with her around! but she is brilliant and we all love her! hope this helps!good luck...