Can you tell me what to expect when my dog is in season?

Today my 6 month old puppy's vulva has swollen a little and our adult male dog keeps sniffing her, this I am sure is the onset of her coming on heat. Could you tell me please what to expect in terms of length and at what point she is actually fertile…

    Can you tell me what to expect when my dog is in season?

    Today my 6 month old puppy's vulva has swollen a little and our adult male dog keeps sniffing her, this I am sure is the onset of her coming on heat. Could you tell me please what to expect in terms of length and at what point she is actually fertile…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can you tell me what to expect when my dog is in season?...

    • Can you tell me what to expect when my dog is in season?

      Can you tell me what to expect when my dog is in season? General Dog Discussions
      Today my 6 month old puppy's vulva has swollen a little and our adult male dog keeps sniffing her, this I am sure is the onset of her coming on heat. Could you tell me please what to expect in terms of length and at what point she is actually fertile and also if you have any tips to make this easier for her.Thanks

      Can you tell me what to expect when my dog is in season?

      Can you tell me what to expect when my dog is in season? General Dog Discussions
    • I'm sorry, but I don't know about length. A couple of weeks, I think. Googling might help with that point.She'll bleed, so watch out for your couch, bed, carpet etc. She'll be fertile now, for the length she's on heat and your adult male dog will drive you nuts trying to get to her. So will other dogs - you may find one or more camped on your doorstep! She'll also be doing her best to get to him, because nature is telling her it's time to become a mother. (Not recommended in one so young of course).Once it's over, unless you need to breed from her, being spayed is really the best option. My sister had a female dog who wasn't spayed and she died of uterine cancer when she was 8 years old.The best of luck!

    • You are right in thinking that the swelling of her vulva is likely to be a sign of her first season. There might also be a slight discharge of white or pale yellow mucus. After a day or so, the discharge becomes blood-stained and the vulva swells much more. The main discharge continues for the first 5 to 10 days of the season, after which it will gradually reduce until it dries up altogether.She should be able to keep herself clean but you may need to wipe carpets etc or keep a cover on her favourite chair if her discharge is heavy. Some experience temperament changes during their seasons, e.g. more affectionate or more irritable, especially with other females.It is best to make sure (as much as you can) that your garden is enclosed to stop your puppy getting out and male dogs getting in. It is probably best to accompany her when she goes out to the toilet (just in case), keep away from busy, dog populated areas and keep her on a lead.On the whole, her season should last around 21 days, and she must be kept away from dogs for the whole three weeks since it isn't possible to tell exactly when she is fertile.

    • Sound like she is coming into season. The swelling suggests this. She will soon start a bloody discharge. Her season will last 21 days from the first show of blood, maybe less as it's a first season, but maybe more. Allow a few days after any discharge stops (beyond the 21 days) to be sure she's out of season. She will have a red discharge for the first 10 days or so, and it will then gradually pale to a light straw colour, and decrease. If the discharge stops sooner than 21 days, don't assume she's out of season. She needs to be confined in another part of the house completely if you have an entire male dog..... and don't forget, the bitches are as eager to mate as the males and if you can, take her out, on a lead, to pee etc. in a completely different part of the garden to where your male goes. Be prepared for howling, shivering, going off food - in the male!She will be ready to mate from day 10 - 12, generally speaking but some bitches will 'stand' early, while others wait until into the third week. This is the time you have to be extra vigilant with her.No tips to make it easier - apart from get her spayed asap, although if she's coming into season now, you've probably left it too late to get her done this time. KEEP HER AWAY FROM YOUR MALE.

    • You will see a small amount of blood. Perhaps on something like in her bed. They keep themselves very clean so you may not see it on her.You will have to separate the two dogs otherwise you will find they will mate and 6 months is a bit young to have her first litter.They say the third week is the most fertile. They have three weeks bleeding. The female will also feel like have sex and will entice the dog.