What age do Jack Russell bitches come into season and how will I know?

Never had a female dog before!!Thanks <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)" />

    What age do Jack Russell bitches come into season and how will I know?

    Never had a female dog before!!Thanks <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)" />...
    General Dog Discussions : What age do Jack Russell bitches come into season and how will I know?...

    • What age do Jack Russell bitches come into season and how will I know?

      What age do Jack Russell bitches come into season and how will I know? General Dog Discussions
      Never had a female dog before!!Thanks :)

      What age do Jack Russell bitches come into season and how will I know?

      What age do Jack Russell bitches come into season and how will I know? General Dog Discussions
    • almost all females get their first heat between the ages of 6 to 9 months. She will have a bloody discharge and will continually lick herself. The whole process takes about 3 weeks to complete. It is messy. this will happen every 6 months.Get her spayed before she comes into heat. you and the dog will be happier. Unless you have a champion dog in the ring and will be breeding her with another champion dog to improve the breed then she needs to be spayed. The world has more than enough unwanted dogs and cats in the world. Please do not add to the overpopulation.

    • At about 6-8 months she'll have her first heat, which is basically the same as a period, although it lasts about 12 days. You will have absolutely no problem knowing she's in heat because every male dog for miles around will surround your house, and you'll notice tell-tale droplets of blood around the place. You can get little nappies to prevent the messiness, but they're not really necessary.Unless you plan on breeding her, you should have her spayed - this can be done quite early, around 6 months. There's an old wives' tale that you should let a female dog (silly yahoo answers starred-out the real word for a female dog!) come into season at least once, but this has been debunked many times over, so don't listen to anyone who says it's true.

    • Before she comes into season you may find she is weeing more than usual - more like marking the spot like a male dog. Her vulva will swell very slightly and she may spend a lot of time washing herself. You may some some changes in temperament, she may become more loving than usual or she may become downright disobedient! When she comes into season, you will first notice a few drops of blood, on her bedding after she's been asleep or maybe on the backs of her legs or tail. For the 1st week she will have a bright red discharge. From around 7-12 days, the discharge will lessen and become lighter in colour. This is when she is at her most receptive to males and MUST be kept well away from them and under constant supervision when outside. The 3rd week she may or may not continue to bleed but she is still in season.If you are planning on having her spayed, wait around 2-3 months after her season. It's the easiest and least risky time to operate and her hormones levels will have returned to normal.

    • most dogs come on heat around 6 months, you will know as there bits will sweel slightly before starting to bleed!unless you are going to breed your dog its best for her health if you get her spayed, it is also better for your sofa & carpets etc,we had a girl jack russel and it was a nightmare when she came on season, trying to keep her from splashing it everywhere!