can anyone recommend a dog food for sensative tummy?

Or has anyone used Burns dog food and where can I buy it.

    can anyone recommend a dog food for sensative tummy?

    Or has anyone used Burns dog food and where can I buy it....
    General Dog Discussions : can anyone recommend a dog food for sensative tummy?...

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    • If your dog has a sensitive stomach, you should really see your vet first to be sure that's ALL it is. There can be a plethora of problems with your dog's pancreas, stomach, intestines, etc. You want to rule all that out first and foremost. Hill's Science Diet makes a formula called I/D which is specifically for dogs with sensitive stomachs. However, this is NOT a food you should be using all the time. It lacks any type of protein and can cause nutritional imbalances in your dog that will lead to problems with her skin, coat, ears, eyes, and so many more parts of her body. After ruling anything else out with your vet, I'd search for a canine nutritionist to see if you can develop a good diet for your dog that will keep her nutritionally sound while not upsetting her tummy. Good luck!

    • I have a Dalmatian and they are notorious for their sensitive digestive systems. I feed him on Butchers Tripe (they do a variety of flavours) and he has never had any problems. With sensitive stomachs food needs to be relatively low in protein. Butchers can be bought at most supermarkets. You can view my dog on my 360. Good luck with yours and sorry I have never heard of Burns dog food. Hope this has been informative.

    • If you're in the UK I suggest skinners Dog Food~Health and Vitality Sensitive. My dog had problems with his pancreas and did very well on this...most good pet shops should be able to get it for you ,or just google "skinners dog food" for a list of suppliers.Hope this helps:0)

    • My dog has a sensitive tummy too. I've tried Euekenuba and I'm using James Well Beloved at the moment. It's made from no addatives, and only white fish and rice. If your dog is having a particularly bad day give them scrambled egg and white rice - it's brill for binding their bellies!! Try it, I'm sure it will work!!

    • Wafcol dry complete food is quite good. Our dog likes it and it doesn't upset his tummy. It's regular price can be expensive, but Pets at Home very often have it on special offer.

    • My dog has colitis and the vet put us onto Burns. It has really worked. It is homeopathic and treats the whole dog but you must introduce it gradually into the diet. Also it helps with skin and hair problems. The link below will tell you more and also about stockists. Hope it helps!

    • I had a dobie that had a very touchy tummy and for his whole life I fed him Lamb and rice dry food. I really like Natures Recipe brand the best. Get a small bag and try it. They also make it with chicken and rice if your dog dosnt go for the lamb. I have all my doggies on it. You can also buy plain white rice to feed your dog until his/her tummy gets to feeling better on dry food, just put about a have cup of chicken broth in 4 cups of rice and divide the feedings to the size of your dog.Good luck!

    • I understand your problem its a nightmare to have a dog thats so fussy! I have a german shepard that cant even eat rice and fresh chicken which being sick, we cant ever feed her titbits even just one biscuit or treat makes her sick for days. After taking her to the vets to be checked out, and being given the all clear the vet suggested Eukanuba 'sensitivity' which is brilliant and shes been on that ever since. I havent tried Burns but that sounds good too. Good luck and hopefully youll find something for longterm feeding.