My dog won't eat, he will go for days and days without eating, he hates dog food, what do I do?

I have tried lots and lots of dog food, moist and dry but he goes off it after a day and won't eat it again. I do not give him scaps apart from the occasional carrot as a treat, what do I do?

    My dog won't eat, he will go for days and days without eating, he hates dog food, what do I do?

    I have tried lots and lots of dog food, moist and dry but he goes off it after a day and won't eat it again. I do not give him scaps apart from the occasional carrot as a treat, what do I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog won't eat, he will go for days and days without eating, he hates dog food, what do I do?...

    • My dog won't eat, he will go for days and days without eating, he hates dog food, what do I do?

      My dog won't eat, he will go for days and days without eating, he hates dog food, what do I do? General Dog Discussions
      I have tried lots and lots of dog food, moist and dry but he goes off it after a day and won't eat it again. I do not give him scaps apart from the occasional carrot as a treat, what do I do?

      My dog won't eat, he will go for days and days without eating, he hates dog food, what do I do?

      My dog won't eat, he will go for days and days without eating, he hates dog food, what do I do? General Dog Discussions
    • Stick to the same food, don't swap & change to try to "tempt" him, feed dry food otherwise you will will waste a lot when it is not eaten, place food for him once or twice per day, leave it for ten minutes if not eaten remove.Do not offer any food until next mealtime.

    • Hi, i cant say that ive ever heard of a dog eating a carrot - mabe hes a vegetarian.on a seriouse note it would be worth speaking to your vet as he will be lacking in certain vitamins and minerals. there could be a number of reasons why.Have you tryed cat food? i know its not perfect but a friends dog loves the stuff - and my cat refused to eat anything but dog food - and she lived till she was 23. mabe hes a little fussy

    • the best thing to do with this (i speak from experience!!) is puttin warm gravy onto the dog food, it wont matter what u put down for ur dog, he/she will love it and will eat very well. i know it can be a bit of a pain in the neck but at least u know they have had a good meal.

    • Try him on cooked diced chicken. Most cats and dog will eat this even if nothing else. You could also try cooked diced liver, raw beef mince, cooked sliced sausage, boiled ham, and similar. My dog just wont eat dog food from tins, pouches, foils etc. Is he in good health even though he is a picky eater ? If not, take him to the vet and get him checked over, and worm him regularly. Good luck to you and pooch.

    • I would say to only feed him dog food and eventually he'll get hungry - but seeing as your dog seems awfully stubborn it may be quite risky!Try having the dog food on an old plate of yours, mix it with some cooked veg, and put it on the table as though it is your dinner, then offer him some. It would be interesting to see if that worked!

    • My dog hates most dog food. He will, however, like yours, eat raw carrots, and loves grapes apple kiwi cauliflower broccoli and most other veg. Not too keen on meat at all. You dog may have a digestive problem and can not eat so you must have him checked out by a vet to rule out any physical problem first. If you do find a food he likes, stick to it exclusively. He will eat when he is hungry, just make sure he has plenty of water at all times. Does he look under weight?

    • you must be giving your dog raw food or cooked table food if so you have to stop feeding it those food,regardless your dog will eat sooner or later, trust me my dogs i have now went through the same problem.

    • I agree with noitall U.K, you have to be patient and stick to the food your dog will eat on day 1 (use a high quality complete dry food if poss), if he turns his nose up on day 2 then pick it up after 10 mins and offer again later if he still refuses pick up again and offer the next day. Dogs won't starve themselves but will get wise to an owner who is a soft touch and will pander to them getting bored!Also feed him after his walk when he has burnt off some energy and he may be hungrier.Regularly changing his food is bad for his digestive system causing an upset tummy or Even colitis.Stick to your guns and remember no treats unless he eats his meals, just like you would teach a child!!

    • has this been going on for awhile? does he eat at all? is he getting really skinny?im just asking because we recently put down my mom's dog beacuse he stopped eating 5 weeks ago, got scary skinny and was bleeding from his rectum,we took him into the vet and found out that he had kiddney failure and they had basically shut down, right before we put him down he had a seizure and was basically brain dead, im not trying to freak u out or anything, but that could be serious and i would take him in IMMEDIATELY!!!!! no joke, there might not be anything wrong, but its better to be safe than sorry!!!! good luck i hope he is okay!!

    • If you are up for it, why not switch him to a raw diet?To get live help, join Rawfeeding and rawchat on yahoogroups. Also, here are some links for you to check. I had one, similar to your dog, wouldnt eat enough to keep a flea alive...couldnt gain weight no matter what or how much dog food I shes happy, healthy and eats very well on a diet of raw meat, raw bones and raw organs.. this helps,