Whats the best food to feed a puppy?

i have a 9 week old staffordshire terrier..and i was wondering what the best food i can buy him...i am giving him dry Pedigree Puppy food...and i feed him 4 times a day only a little hand full....but when i feed him his belly swells out...even if i feed…

    Whats the best food to feed a puppy?

    i have a 9 week old staffordshire terrier..and i was wondering what the best food i can buy him...i am giving him dry Pedigree Puppy food...and i feed him 4 times a day only a little hand full....but when i feed him his belly swells out...even if i feed…...
    General Dog Discussions : Whats the best food to feed a puppy?...

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    • Whats the best food to feed a puppy?

      Whats the best food to feed a puppy? General Dog Discussions
      i have a 9 week old staffordshire terrier..and i was wondering what the best food i can buy him...i am giving him dry Pedigree Puppy food...and i feed him 4 times a day only a little hand full....but when i feed him his belly swells out...even if i feed him very little..so i was wondering also if it was the food..So i want to know what would you feed or do you feed your puppy..Thank you for reading my question

      Whats the best food to feed a puppy?

      Whats the best food to feed a puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • whne my beagle was a puppy my dad game him pedigree canned food, at breakfast dry puppy food, lunch time dryfood and at dinner just canned maybe with some chicken and rice few times in the week hope this helps, jsut give him a lil bit of meat each day swelll , good luck witht he sweet lil puppyy ^^

    • Sounds ok what you are feeding him but have you thought of feeding him a variety of dry and tinned food. Like babies, puppies also suffer the problem of trapped wind after feeding. Nothing to worry about.

    • only feed twice a day. same amount. if you keep feeding it normal serving sizes four times a day your dog will get fat. oh and in your dog food bowl put hot water in with the dry food. give it "nupro " which can be found at health food stores. you also might want to add canned food with the dry food, water, and nupro. occasionally give it a whole egg (shell and all) with a crack in it or vegetable oil. they are good for the dogs coat.nupro link in sources list.

    • Well firstly add warm water to the dry food, its moistens it so they eat less and dont swell up so bad, plus add in some tripe, which is fantsatic for puppies, plus some weetabix, honey and scrambled egg! All small portions so it wont bleed you dry! Believe me, its pays off long term in a very healthy and well coated dog.

    • try using the dog food container where the dog determines when they want to eat and how much along with a self waterer it is the best combination for your puppy the belly swelling means he needs to go outside

    • You should research the breed to see what they need in a diet.(alot of protein or what). THen go from there. As for thye belly swelling I am not a professional so you should ask your vet. Better safe than sorry.

    • I fed my dogs puppy chow, or kibbles and bits... she loved kibbles and bits, its soft enought for her to eat it... Puppy's bellies tend to swell out after they eat...Is he wormed? has he got his shots? You can buy wormer at wal mart or a local feed store, or at the pet store. Pedigree is fine...just wet it with some warm water to soften it up, so that he dosent break any teeth I wouldnt feed him four times a day...I would put some food out in a bown and when he gets hungry he will eat it. Try feeding him in the morning...or at night... or you can even do both... Hope this helped ....

    • try eukanuba dry puppy food, i was fed it when i was a nipper and look how fit i am now. i'm now being fed EUKANUBA adult for medium dogs, i have 3 small amounts a day with plenty of fresh water. my belly swells out when i eat it but its not a problem. WOOF

    • You'll get as many different ideas on what to feed your dog as you get answers. Feed your puppy on what suits him and what suits your pocket. Puppies do look "round" when they've been fed! If you are feeding dry food, soak it well before giving it to him, it swells up a good deal when it's wet, so better that it swells before it gets into his stomach - helps prevent the dreaded bloat when he's older. If you bought your pup from a reputable breeder, you should have been given a diet sheet - best to stick to that for a few weeks then, if you want to, change him over gradually to a new food.

    • I feed my dogs Nutro brand dog food. They have several different flavors. I like it because it makes their poo more solid which makes it a lot easier during cleanup. It's about $28 for a 35 lb. bag but when you're housetraining it's much easier than scrubbing your carpets.

    • well i feed my puppy iams puppy food and puppy treats and i have never had any problems with it. maybe it's not the food that you are feeding him maybe it is just his own way of saying "i am full" so it is probably not you good luckp.s. all dogs love american cheese

    • I have always fed my dogs on dry food and you sound to be doing the right thing.His little belly will swell because he is full like all babies they have lovely little pudgy tumms!but seriously dry food is always the best because it helps prevent health problems caused by decaying teeth...there are lots of different brands to choose from so you can add variety to his diet by buying different flavours but remember to always gradually change food over a week if you decide to give him something different.I currently have a collie cross and a staffy cross lab both have only dry food and are very happy!..and they have lovely glossy coats and the vet always comments how well they are!

    • I would recommend switching off of Pedigree Puppy.Here's the first ingredients listed: Ground yellow corn, chicken by-product meal, rice, corn gluten meal(Not very nutritious at all! Too much corn, and the meat is by-product, not even real meat!)Here's its rating: http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/dog_food_reviews/showproduct.php?product=5&cat=allSome good foods are : Merrick, Solid Gold, Canidae, Timberwolf, Orijen, Wellness, Chicken Soup brand, Innova/EVO, etc..Or check this website for good foods: http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/dog_food_reviews/(I recommend only feeding foods rated 4, 5, or 6 stars. Anything 3 stars or less, I would stay away from.)---Read the ingredients on the food you buy. Go with a high quality dog food. A grain should not be in the first couple ingredients ingredient (corn and such are mainly fillers, dogs don't digest it well). Avoid foods that have a lot of "by products" listed. Here is an article about byproducts: http://www.dogfoodproject.com/index.php?page=ingrdBeware "premium" foods. "Premium" does not mean good nutritionally, and is not a nutritionally high quality food. It has the same types of ingredients as grocery store foods, just a bit better quality of those not-so-good ingredients. Premium foods are those like Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, etc..Another thing to be wary of: A lot of vets will recommend what they sell in their office. They get profit from the brands they keep on their shelves, that's why they push it. Truth is, vet schools don't focus a lot on nutrition. It's not saying that a vet is a bad vet because he recommends those foods, a lot of vets just are told "this is good food", so they pass the message along without proper nutrition knowledge. Also, some dog food brands (like Hills) support vet schools, so vets have heard of it from the time they start college, which makes them think it's good as well.It may seem like quality foods cost more, but in the end, it evens out. With a high-quality food, you don't have as many fillers. Also, with a high-quality food, your dog will eat less and poop less. So while that bag of higher-quality dog food looks expensive, your monthly feeding bills won't increase much.---When switching foods, do it slowly. I do this over about a two week timespan:25% food A, 75% food B50% food A, 50% food B75% food A, 25% food B100% food A

    • you dont want to feed puppies dry food especially that young put some water in it and let it soak so it will be moisttry iams puppy food it is a yellow bag they are really good for the puppies

    • Please stop feeding your dog Pedigree and please don't feed him Science Diet. Those foods are awful. Did you know that they use euthanized animals in their food? Those companies are currently being sued for misrepresenting the ingredients in their foods. If I were you I would stay away from any kind of foods that you can buy from a grocery store or Walmart. There are lots of decent foods out there. I personally feed my dogs Canidae. Thay absolutely love it. Some other really good brands are Eagle Pack Holistic, Innova, Californai Natural and Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover Soul. There are a few more but I can't remember the names. If you go to the websites they will tell you where you can find these foods.