all three of my dogs has the runs what to do?

all three of my dogs has the runs what to do?

    all three of my dogs has the runs what to do?

    all three of my dogs has the runs what to do?...
    General Dog Discussions : all three of my dogs has the runs what to do?...

    • all three of my dogs has the runs what to do?

      all three of my dogs has the runs what to do? General Dog Discussions
      all three of my dogs has the runs what to do?

      all three of my dogs has the runs what to do?

      all three of my dogs has the runs what to do? General Dog Discussions
    • You left a lot unanswered here. Read the following: that if treatment is necessary, the vet must give it. You can use Pedialyte or Gatorade in the place of the Lectade. And take special note that Pumpkin will resolve both constipation and diarrhea.What you need to do depends on why the dog has diarrhea. And you are going to have to look at it to see what is going on. It could be the food they are getting, but my guess is they have either a viral or bacterial infection. If they are less than a year old or have not been vaccinated... not eating and they are drinking tons of water, and are also throwing up... DO NOT WALK...RUN...TO YOUR VET.You shuold also separate them in crates if they are sick so they do not keep contaminating each other. The vet is your best solution. If they are eating still and drinking water, they can see the vet when he opens...however, if they are not eating... the vet!

    • have you changed your brand of dog food? I have had this happen to my dachshund when I changed his food brand. I gave him some (small amount) pepto-bismol in a small amount of milk. If this does not work, get you dogs to the vet.

    • They have obviously picked up a bug (or is there any chance they might have been poisoned?). Whatever the case, withhold food for 12 hours to start with. Make sure they continue to drink water however. I'm not one to run to the vet at the first problem (but then I've been at this for years) but if there's no improvement when you start them back on a small amount of boiled rice, and chicken (adding a bit of natural yogurt too), you will need to see your vet. Obviously if they deteriorate, get to the vet sooner rather than later but normally the rule with this sort of bug is fasting.How old are they? Obviously this is more serious in the young puppy, in which case fasting isn't the same option as it is with an adult And as dehydration is a real danger, it would be better to see a vet rather than If you do suspect poisoning, you must see your vet without delay.