13 week old pup eating breakfast then vomiting it back?

He eats dry foot with a bit of tripe. He's only been doing it the last couple of days and its purely only after breakfast. Soon after his breakfast we have a little play but it's never tugging or anything fast paced. Then after that he tends to be sick…

    13 week old pup eating breakfast then vomiting it back?

    He eats dry foot with a bit of tripe. He's only been doing it the last couple of days and its purely only after breakfast. Soon after his breakfast we have a little play but it's never tugging or anything fast paced. Then after that he tends to be sick…...
    General Dog Discussions : 13 week old pup eating breakfast then vomiting it back?...

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    • 13 week old pup eating breakfast then vomiting it back?

      13 week old pup eating breakfast then vomiting it back? General Dog Discussions
      He eats dry foot with a bit of tripe. He's only been doing it the last couple of days and its purely only after breakfast. Soon after his breakfast we have a little play but it's never tugging or anything fast paced. Then after that he tends to be sick and dose off to sleep. Other than this he's a healthy pup. Can anyone help?

      13 week old pup eating breakfast then vomiting it back?

      13 week old pup eating breakfast then vomiting it back? General Dog Discussions
    • Possibly, he just shouldn't be playing after breakfast. Try keeping him quieter tomorrow after breakfast, and see if he does better.Also, is he STARVING at breakfast time? Could he be eating too quickly? If this is possible, try feeding him with his meal spread out on a cookie sheet so that he can't wolf it down too fast.

    • Give him a smaller amount of food at breakfast time and then give him some after an hour or soo, it could be he is eating breakfast to quickly and the minute he is playing it is coming back up. Try to slow him down you can get special bowls for dogs that eat to quickly or you can just hand him his food a little at a time to make sure he is eating slowly. Does he get tripe at other meals as well? If not stop the tripe in the morning to see if it makes a difference.Good Luck

    • Claire, a 13-week-old pup should be eating 4 small meals each day rather than 1 or 2 big meals (at least until he's 16 weeks old, then preferably 2 meals a day for the rest of his life, unless he's a very small breed). That helps to stop gulping down of food and distension of the dog's stomach, both of which can cause vomiting. But also, it's never a good idea to play straight after food - let your pup rest for at least 30 minutes before letting him jump about.Hope that helps.

    • Good advice in all the other answers, I would add that I am concerned in case you are feeding the dry food without soaking it first.A. it's hard for your puppy's little teeth to cope withB. It's going to absorb water from your pup's digestive system which ought to be helping with digestion.My vet's advice to me is never to feed dry food dry, even to adult dogs.

    • Maybe he has a reaction to the tripe, or anything else in the food. and also never play after dinner. Even if its small, let him rest and do as he pleases.Also a pup that age shouldn't be eating two big meals a day 3 or 4 small meals are better. One early morning, one at lunch, the next in the afternoon and or the evening.Is he eating too quickly, gulping his food or burping as he eats. He could be eating to quickly, you can either raise the bowl or get one of the slow down bowls from your local pet store.