My puppy 6 1/2 months has a red/veiny bit in the corner of her eye and now she is being sick ?

she first started with this red/veiny bit in the inside of her eye , i thought it may of been caused with the snow and she got a bit of ice in her eye or something . How ever tonight she has really gone of her food and she wont eat and she is being sick…

    My puppy 6 1/2 months has a red/veiny bit in the corner of her eye and now she is being sick ?

    she first started with this red/veiny bit in the inside of her eye , i thought it may of been caused with the snow and she got a bit of ice in her eye or something . How ever tonight she has really gone of her food and she wont eat and she is being sick…...
    General Dog Discussions : My puppy 6 1/2 months has a red/veiny bit in the corner of her eye and now she is being sick ?...

    • My puppy 6 1/2 months has a red/veiny bit in the corner of her eye and now she is being sick ?

      My puppy 6 1/2 months has a red/veiny bit in the corner of her eye and now she is being sick ? General Dog Discussions
      she first started with this red/veiny bit in the inside of her eye , i thought it may of been caused with the snow and she got a bit of ice in her eye or something . How ever tonight she has really gone of her food and she wont eat and she is being sick ? any ideas ?

      My puppy 6 1/2 months has a red/veiny bit in the corner of her eye and now she is being sick ?

      My puppy 6 1/2 months has a red/veiny bit in the corner of her eye and now she is being sick ? General Dog Discussions
    • She sounds sick. The eye may be irrelevent. I recc get her checked out. It is much better to catch disease in the earlier stages... and cheaper too. Dr. W

    • She needs to see a vet. The eye problem could be totally unrelated to the vomiting and loss of appetite, but they could both be symptoms of the same thing.There are many contagious canine illnesses that can cause these symptoms, and only your vet can make an accurate diagnosis I'm afraid.The sooner you get her to the vet, the easier it will be to treat her. Best of luck!