Where in the house is your dog aloud to go?

Mine is not aloud upstairs, (bedrooms, bathrooms), or in the downstairs bathroom, or the office. She goes in the halls, living room, garden, dining room and kitchen. Random question, but hey!Mine can't go upstairs as we have parrots, hamsters and gerbils…

    Where in the house is your dog aloud to go?

    Mine is not aloud upstairs, (bedrooms, bathrooms), or in the downstairs bathroom, or the office. She goes in the halls, living room, garden, dining room and kitchen. Random question, but hey!Mine can't go upstairs as we have parrots, hamsters and gerbils…...
    General Dog Discussions : Where in the house is your dog aloud to go?...

    • Where in the house is your dog aloud to go?

      Where in the house is your dog aloud to go? General Dog Discussions
      Mine is not aloud upstairs, (bedrooms, bathrooms), or in the downstairs bathroom, or the office. She goes in the halls, living room, garden, dining room and kitchen. Random question, but hey!Mine can't go upstairs as we have parrots, hamsters and gerbils up there! My dog gets along fine with my Chinchillas though, they have shown her shes even lower in the pack than them! If she sticks her nose in the cage they nip her and they tease her by running up and down where she can't reach!

      Where in the house is your dog aloud to go?

      Where in the house is your dog aloud to go? General Dog Discussions
    • Mine is aloud in the kitchen at all times (unless the dishwasher is being loaded haha) shes aloud in the house at night and sometimes in the day until she goes outside or something, shes not aloud in bedrooms becasue she has a habit of looking for something to steal, which they all do i suppose lol

    • Mines not llowed upstairs but can go in, living room, kitchen, ouuthouse (like a mini room, built like a house outside, random i kno) and garden oh and hall ways lol

    • Mine can go anywhere I go, but only one out of five has run of the house unsupervised. The other four are all under 3 and still chew stuff up and get into things.

    • My dogs are members of my family and as such are allowed to go everwhere any other member of the family goes. (with the exception of the obvious things like counters, tables, cabinets, and fridge) They both are afraid of the basement (I think its the slick paint and backless stairs that throw them off) so thats the only place they dont go. They know the command 'go lay down' means leave the room and go to your beds

    • My dog is allowed in the living room and the garden. I don't like having the dog upstairs (and that's where the cat escapes to). We've only got a small hallway and that's where the cats food is kept (the dog eats it if we let him in there). Also we have a safety gate on the kitchen to keep my 18month old daughter out so he can't get in there.( got this as my daughter would open the cupboards and feed the dog everything.)

    • My dog is allowed everywhere. Foster dogs are allowed everywhere except bedroom. They are in runs when I go to work if the weathers good because I don't like leaving them indoors but if it's not nice she just gets left in house with all the doors open.

    • When they are puppies, they are allowed one room at a time, limited space. When they can behave in that space they are allowed to graduate to more space. They are not allowed full run of the house because it is overwhelming. You are smart, dogs should never climb stairs, it can cause back and hip injuries as the dog gets older. I used to have a ferret and if my sheltie was too rough, the ferret would pull the shelties hair and make him cry. Isn't it funny how animals can work things out. I bet your birds could put that dog in its place. lol

    • My adult dog is allowed in the finished basement, the wood floors on the main level, (but not the formal, carpeted living-room) and is not allowed upstairs in the bedrooms. I am a ballroom dancer and the owners dog is not allowed on the wooden dance floor, only on the carpeted reception area.