How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?

How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?

    How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?

    How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?...
    General Dog Discussions : How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?...

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    • if he gets up them easy enough leave him up there he will come down, try rattling his food bowl, just keep a eye on him you don't want him to hurt himself falling down them though , after all why would he want to walk down when you carry him lol

    • well wen you are going down stairs leave him at the top and walk down the stairs slowly calling his name and if he still doesn't walk down try to bribe him down with treats!!!Good luck!!

    • Carry him.He knows what he can manage, and there is a real risk of him turning somersault as he goes down. He needs to get a bit bigger and stronger.Start off by putting him on the bottom step, and calling him.Afew days later move him up to the second step, and so on. That'll build his confidence without risking him falling all the way down.Don't just dump him at the top and leave him, or call him.

    • My puppy did exactly the same thing and people who say leave them, don't carry them and be patient obviously don't have a dog with a will of steal like mine!We managed by putting her on the very bottom step and praising her lots when she did come down it, but I think actually she just got bigger and braver and had little to do with us!When we were first trying this she just got fed up and wouldn't jump down the last step she would just go back up to the top of the stairs and sit there crying or in a huff!Be warned though, although she goes down stairs now - once a wimp always a wimp!!