How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?

How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?

    How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?

    How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?...
    General Dog Discussions : How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?...

    • How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?

      How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him? General Dog Discussions
      How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?

      How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him?

      How can i make my puppy walk down stairs, he will walk up but not down , i have to carry him? General Dog Discussions
    • A lot of puppies are terrified of stairs. Most grow out of it. There really isn't anything you can do. He'll get more sturdy and confident and will eventually walk down them by himself.

    • You're not supposed to let puppies up and down stairs until they are about 4 months. They can really do damage to their legs. If you need to take him up just carry him up and down until he is big enough to do it himself. He is just worried he might fall down them.

    • My puppies first did this too when I got them.It is easier for them to go up, then down. He will in time go down the steps. Try starting at the bottom with only three steps to go and put him down, it will be easier for him to go down, coax him with a treat. Then move him up 4 steps, etc etc until he can go down. Think about if you had to be on is easier to go up and not down because you don't think of falling "up" steps!

    • aawww...just give him time....if you keep calling him or if he is too excited, he wont do it...just be very patient, he will learn. he may whimper or make sounds to ask you to carry him but dont... maybe you can try this - carry him down the stairs but put him down on the stairs when there are 3-4 steps to go and then call him down with a treat ?good luck ....

    • Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, how positivively cute!!! Maybe he did try to go down them, however hurt himself, and now is frightened to. who knows. I know that my doggy, will not jump onto or jump of anything, she like a fulltime purse! May the force be with you!!

    • Try taking a puppy goody and basicly try to make him follow it down the steps. If he does what he is supposed to, then give him an extra treat, but it does NOT have to be something to eat. However if he doesn't then he has to try again.

    • Carry him down one step and then sit on the step with him and carry on till he has sat on a good number of steps a far way down the stairs.Then do the smae again but instead of carrying him - go down on your own and try and coach him donw wiht a treat or something.

    • For a puppy, it can seem scary. He will get over it, just be patient and give him time. Or carry him to the last step and see if he does it, try another step up the next time.

    • It just looks scarey to him, carry him down to the 2 row from the bottom and put him down very gently, put a faourite toy at ground level. When he has found out he can do two stairs the rest will come easy

    • Don't carry him! It sounds harsh but if he is used to you carrying him, he will never get over his fear. You need to leave him at the top and go down. When you get to the bottom, kneel at the very bottom of the stairs, and in an excited voice, call your pup. If he will not come down, just leave him. I know it sounds really mean but it works. You have just got to give it time. If, after a few weeks, this is still not working fit your pup with a padded harness, not a halti or collar, and carry him halfway down the stairs. Then put him down, and encourage him to walk the other half of the steps leading him. Give him loads of encouragement, and when he does do it, give him loads of attention and praise. Good Luck.

    • they do it on their own eventually, but i have a 5mth puppy and she could get up the stairs but i had to encourage her down by kneeling down one step below her and coaxing her down.. in response to previous answer, its best not to throw a ball down they will probably break a leg or neck!!

    • Have Patience's. Usually using his favorite treats , you can coach him into any thing. I taught my dog when he was a puppy to roll over. Anything he really likes meat , cheese, be sure it a very small pieces then go to the edge of the stairs and use the treat to lead him down one step at a time slowly.He will get it.