Would a dog recognise its birth mother if they haven't seen each other for years?

Emdee - Do you know what that age is?

    Would a dog recognise its birth mother if they haven't seen each other for years?

    Emdee - Do you know what that age is?...
    General Dog Discussions : Would a dog recognise its birth mother if they haven't seen each other for years?...

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    • Would a dog recognise its birth mother if they haven't seen each other for years?

      Would a dog recognise its birth mother if they haven't seen each other for years? General Dog Discussions
      Emdee - Do you know what that age is?

      Would a dog recognise its birth mother if they haven't seen each other for years?

      Would a dog recognise its birth mother if they haven't seen each other for years? General Dog Discussions
    • It's the same as in people:If you take a baby away from it's mother in infancy or toddlerhood then years later that child will not recognize it's mother. If the child is with it's mother until an age where memories can be formed, then the child will most likely remember it's mother.Same with puppies.I can't imagine it's entirely possible with dogs to know exactly what age that is since we can't ask them what they remember, but I would imagine it's somewhere in the 6-12 month range. Even then we have no way of knowing if the dogs are remembering each other because of a special mother-pup bond or if they simply remember living together before.

    • I think they can. I think there is some thing they can sense. Smell, maybe?Two of my dogs tend to even gravitate to other dogs who look like them. When there is another dog of their breed at the park...that is the only dog they want to play with.We brought my dog to go see his littermate sister whom he hadn't seen for a good 9 months and I would say they 100% recognized each other. I could also be reading more into it that is really there! :)

    • I breed Westies and we bumped into one of Skye`s grown up puppies in the park. She ran over to him and licked him all over like she used to when he was tiny and then she cleaned his ears. I don`t know if a dog would actually recognise its mother but she certainly remembered him .. I swear Phil I was nearly crying ,,!! We dogsit for some of the puppies that we bred, and when they come here the litter mates always recognise each other and go mad running round the garden. They just act differently with their own family.