How do i get my puppies to stop biting?

Our puppies are 11 weeks old and they keep biting people's faces. we have managed to stop them from biting the curtains and biting the table legs with a spray. But they keep going for people's faces and it's getting really worrying. Any ideas?

    How do i get my puppies to stop biting?

    Our puppies are 11 weeks old and they keep biting people's faces. we have managed to stop them from biting the curtains and biting the table legs with a spray. But they keep going for people's faces and it's getting really worrying. Any ideas?...
    General Dog Discussions : How do i get my puppies to stop biting?...

    • How do i get my puppies to stop biting?

      How do i get my puppies to stop biting? General Dog Discussions
      Our puppies are 11 weeks old and they keep biting people's faces. we have managed to stop them from biting the curtains and biting the table legs with a spray. But they keep going for people's faces and it's getting really worrying. Any ideas?

      How do i get my puppies to stop biting?

      How do i get my puppies to stop biting? General Dog Discussions
    • Perfectly normal puppy behavior, but people should realize they have to keep the pups away from their faces. Here is how to handle puppy biting;