Has anyone got any tips on what is the best way to go about house training in an apartment ?

Has anyone got any tips on what is the best way to go about house training in an apartment ?Dexter was 14 weeks yesterday and is mostly using his puppy pad.... with a few accidents in between !Since he now has all his injections we are able to bring him…

    Has anyone got any tips on what is the best way to go about house training in an apartment ?

    Has anyone got any tips on what is the best way to go about house training in an apartment ?Dexter was 14 weeks yesterday and is mostly using his puppy pad.... with a few accidents in between !Since he now has all his injections we are able to bring him…...
    General Dog Discussions : Has anyone got any tips on what is the best way to go about house training in an apartment ?...

    • Has anyone got any tips on what is the best way to go about house training in an apartment ?

      Has anyone got any tips on what is the best way to go about house training in an apartment ? General Dog Discussions
      Has anyone got any tips on what is the best way to go about house training in an apartment ?Dexter was 14 weeks yesterday and is mostly using his puppy pad.... with a few accidents in between !Since he now has all his injections we are able to bring him out for walks but he never seems to "go toilet" outside ?He waits until he comes back into the apartment

      Has anyone got any tips on what is the best way to go about house training in an apartment ?

      Has anyone got any tips on what is the best way to go about house training in an apartment ? General Dog Discussions
    • Get a crate. If you take him outside and he doesn't go, put him in his crate right when you get back and then a little bit longer take him back outside. Dogs will not go in their "homes" so make sure the crate is comfy and you make it a good experience. The crate will also help when he gets to the chewing stage when you are not home. Repeat it until he gets it. Most puppys are fairly smart and it doesn't take them long to understand that they need to go outside if they want to roam the house afterwards. Good luck with him.

    • watch him like a hawke and as he starts to make a puddle, pick him up and put him onto a piece of newspaper. gradually move that peice of paper towards the door. hell soon get the hint. he will realise that he has to go outside and will start begging at the door. make sure you reward him for making puddles on the paper. give him a nice treat like a bonio or something. dont smack him... remember its not his fault. i remember my dog, when i was liuttle, my mum would pick her up, rub her nose in the urine and then smack her nose. poor thing grew up to be terrified of my mum :(.

    • I have found that crate training works best .when you are not home keep him in his crate then as soon as you get home let him out to potty. when you bring him in feed and water him and when he is done eating take him out again a short walk will give him time to go , while your home take him out every couple of hours and see if this helps. Just remember to praise him when he does go good luck.

    • It is the puppy pad disease. This happens. It's not your fault because you were told to be extra careful with him being outside until he has had all of his shots. I know there is good reasoning behind this but it seems to cause this disease. But, do not dispare because it can be cured. It is just going to take longer. And more patience. And you gotta get rid of the cause.No more puppy pads. More walks. Get him moving and just take some treats with you. You get lucky and he potties, praise praise and treat! He will not have a darn clue what the heck you are making so much noise for or why he got the treat but he WILL catch on.When you bring him back and he has not pottied, keep him in a confined area so you can see him. Watch closely for the pee or poop, grab up immediately, say no no, take outside, let him finish, give lots of praise and treat.Try not to get too discouraged. Not having a back yard is a bummer.I have a doggie door and a fenced yard. But somebody still sneaks a pee and poop every so often.

    • you need to watch him always. you need to ALWAYS know where he is! when he goes in the house AND YOU SEE/CATCH him doing it, scold him and rub his nose in it, (DON'T hit him!!! aggression only causes aggression always remember that no matter how mad you get! a tap on the butt or nose to say that's bad is OK. but if you hit him, he will just be scared of you.) but if u don't see it you cant scold him, cuz he wont know what he did wrong. just clean it up and get over it. if he poops in the house, put it outside where you take him out, it might make him say oh hey, i should poop out HERE. or take him outside near other dog poop. and if he goes outside make a HUGE deal about it and tell him hes a good boy pet him all that, and give him a treat (outside after he just did it, meaning bring a couple treats with you when you take him out. not after you go back inside, he wont know hes getting a treat for going potty outside, he will think hes getting a treat for whatever he is doing, like if you make him sit for the treat, he will think he is getting a treat for sitting.) and try to say goooood boyyy!!! while hes doing it but don't really do more then that till hes done. also put his puppy pads by the door. he will get it eventually and start whining at the door when he has to go. OH also when you see him sniffing TAKE HIM OUT ASAP, another good tip, take him out every hour till he starts getting it. he will go out there eventually and when you flip out and give him tonnns of praise and love and a treat he'll be like wow i guess this is good! lol also, is it cold out where you are? try putting a sweater on him if so, maybe hes just cold. and don't just take him out to walk him, if he was sniffing like he had to go, take him to one spot outside every time, and (this really only works with retractable leashes, i suggest you invest in one lol) only let him go as far as the leash lets him, its plenty of room and every time he tries to pull you out of that area go AH AH (not sure how to spell that noise, its like uh uh, no. say it loudly and sharply) and tug him back a little. (don't yank him back) this prevents him from getting too distracted, and he will potty a lot faster when he realizes, OK I'm not out here to play, I'm out here to potty, I might as well just go. and DO NOT go back inside till he goes, if he has to go bad enough, he will go. and when your gonna take him for a walk, not to go potty outside, before you leave the apt go, wanna go for a walk??? eventually he will get all exited and know the difference between being outside to go for a walk, or to play, and being outside to potty. ALSO take his food & water away TWO HOURS before bed, and take him out before bed, this will get rid of the going in the middle of the night, or if he has to go, he will eventually whine at the door. when you get up, first thing you need to to is TAKE HIM OUT, dogs are like people, they gotta go when they wake up too! also if you crate him while you go somewhere, when you get home take him out right after you let him out of the crate. dogs are creatures of habit, like with me, my hubby has to get up to go to work at 5, and he takes our puppy out when he gets up, then he comes back to bed and hubby leaves. he almost always goes. trust me i went threw all this not long ago with my puppy, and i never thought he would stop going in the house! now he hasn't had a accident in a long time. and if he does, its our fault cuz we didn't take him out when he asked. hes 5 months. so i feel your pain haha. oh and those petsmart puppy classes are awesome, my dog is currently taking them. trust me, these things are stuff i learned from experience and threw the petsmart classes, they work! lol most dogs are very smart, they will get it eventually, hes still just a puppy, he will learn i PROMISE! hang in there! hahaoh and by the way, get rid of those puppy pads! all they teach him is its ok to go in the house. they don't work lol. all you need to do is take him out every hour like i said.