What do you think is the least intelligent dog breed?

Yes, I realize that training and socializing are more important than innate qualities. but you can't compare a german shepherd to a shi tzu when it comes to intelligence even if both had the exact same upbringing. so what <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/9-dog-breed/?s=517b0b1dccff7adf2a39e4d3ffa785a190baf223">dog breed</a> is potentially the…

    What do you think is the least intelligent dog breed?

    Yes, I realize that training and socializing are more important than innate qualities. but you can't compare a german shepherd to a shi tzu when it comes to intelligence even if both had the exact same upbringing. so what <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/9-dog-breed/?s=517b0b1dccff7adf2a39e4d3ffa785a190baf223">dog breed</a> is potentially the…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What do you think is the least intelligent dog breed?...

    • What do you think is the least intelligent dog breed?

      What do you think is the least intelligent dog breed? Dog Breed Discussions
      Yes, I realize that training and socializing are more important than innate qualities. but you can't compare a german shepherd to a shi tzu when it comes to intelligence even if both had the exact same upbringing. so what dog breed is potentially the dumbest?

      What do you think is the least intelligent dog breed?

      What do you think is the least intelligent dog breed? Dog Breed Discussions
    • There's NO SUCH THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!There's just the human's effort,intelligence & experience.& yes,you fing CAN "compare"....just ask all those who've put top level titles on their dogs.

    • Personally I've never come across an unintelligent dog.Dogs that had been difficult to train, Yep. Dogs that didn't always listen and were a little stubborn, Yep.But none that I would call unintelligent.

    • It depends on the task at hand - herding dogs often make stupid retrievers and retrievers don't know one end of a sheep from the other. The reason that we have 500+ breeds is because we needed 500+ different physical and mental combinations to do 500+ different jobs.If we are measuring intelligence by the ability to complete/compete in traditional obedience tasks, then take your pick of the hound group. Though, most of them are wicked smart in reality and just don't care about your opinion.

    • So every one remembers, border collies, poodles and german shepherds are the top 3 most intelligent.I feel that chihuahua, yorkshire terriers and great danes are the dumbest.But that is my opinion.

    • I have no way to tell since I have not had experience with all breeds. Someone told me that Afghan hounds are stupid but I found the one I worked with to be a quick learner, and easy to train. Decades ago, the American version of the Irish setter was considered very stupid by many people but I've seen some since then that knocked me out at obedience trials. WOW!Often, we confuse trainability with intelligence. Extremely intelligent dogs can be a real trial to their owners as they quickly learn to escape and how to get their ways and how to steal what they want. Most people do best with a moderately smart dog, one that is easy to train.Breeds that were once thought of as really dumb are now beginning to shine with the use of kind and gentle reward-based training. Wasn't Albert Einstein told he was stupid? I've known many very bright people who refused to study certain things in school that they found to be boring or time wasting. So, the least intelligent breed of dog is....unknown at this time.

    • according to stanley coren, author of the intelligence of dogs, he says there are three types of intelligence in dogs, the only one breed dependent is working/obedience intelligence ... in the breeds he measured the bottom of the pack included the shih tzu, basset hound, mastiff, beagle, pekinese, bloodhound, borzoi, chow chow, bulldog, basenji and the lowest was the afghan hound ...

    • Yes, you can compare a GSD to a shih tzu if you are comparing canine intelligence. And it would depend on the genetic make up of the dog. Canine intelligence should be measured by how well the dog is able to perform the behaviors that are used for the job the breed was bred to do. A GSD was bred to be a herding dog of the old world type. A Shih Tzu was bred to be a pet from the very beginning of the breed. So if the GSD doesn't know how to patrol a border or keep sheep in an area but the Shih Tzu behaves as a very good pet, then the Shih Tzu is smarter. Unfortunately, most lists of 'intelligent' dog breeds uses one criteria: how well does the dog listen to people. A very narrow criteria when you consider that we have so many breeds because they were bred for a variety of jobs. And some of those jobs require a dog work and think on his own, so your 'intelligent dog' lists will exclude them. Not very smart in my opinion. I think the people who make up those lists are the least informed on the various dog breeds and do harm to the breeds rather than any good.

    • Either a Hot Dog or a Hush Puppy - neither has been known to learn to come when called, to bark at strangers, to "go toilet" in a designated place, to bring the daily newspaper in off the front lawn where the paperboy tossed it.30+ years ago a breeder asked me "What is red, has 20 feet, and an IQ of 5?" He reckoned the answer was his 5 Irish Setters.But if you want a SERIOUS answer you will first need to:(1) define exactly what you mean by "intelligence" and(2) develop a set of tests that will rank pooches from "most" to "least" for that/those things,then(3) use the test on at least 100 typical examples of each breed.Me, I can't be bothered.And you will have PROBLEMS.For instance, wolves have considerable intelligence SUITED TO THEIR NATURAL LIFESTYLE, but they seem "thick-headed" when it comes to learning by observing humans. Whereas domestic dogs have evolved to "read" not only canine body language & ululations, but also human body-language & voice tones and so dogs learn how to open gates & doors by watching how their owner did it. To keep Ciwa (one of my GSDs, dam of my nation's youngest Ob.Ch. ever) in I had to (a) move her from a pen with a D-ring latch (she shoved her head through the hand-hole intended for me to open the gate from the inside of the pen) to a pen with a sliding bolt, (b) chain the gate frame to the frame of the divider between pens (so that once she'd vibrated the gate enough for the bolt to slide back out of its hole, the gate couldn't be pushed or pulled enough to let her squeeze out), and then (c) wire one of the hinges together (so that she could no longer lift the gate off its hinges)...And only the unaware will claim that "training and socializing are more important than innate qualities". Try producing a Maltese that will leap through an open fanlight window to bring down a gunman! Try producing a Great Dane that m'lady can carry around in her sleeve or handbag! Try producing a "teacup" Chihuahua that can retrieve an angry wounded duck from an icy lake! Try producing a Spaniel that can hold a wild pig until the hunter can arrive!All 4 of genetics, gestation & birth environment (especially the dam's temperament/attitudes), familiarisation-&-confidence-building before it is 13 weeks old, and training thereafter, are ESSENTIAL if a dog is be a suitable companion & helper.[youngath..]: You appear to have not learned that the ancient Toy breeds were called Sleeve Dogs or Lap Dogs and had very definite functional requirements:(1) for m'lady to talk to and stroke its soft coat when bored with her embroidering, (2) to lie against m'lady and (because of its body temperature being higher than its owner's) attract m'lady's fleas & body-lice to itself, (3) bark the house down when an intruder encroached on m'lady's sanctum (thus bringing the manservants to firmly escort that intruder off m'lord's property), and (4) inflict painful bites on any fingers that attempted to grope m'lady's "interesting bits". So yes, Toy dogs SHOULD be nasty yappy snappy little demons to everyone except their own household. A Toy dog that backs off from strangers is a disgrace to its ancestry.Les P, owner of GSD_Friendly: http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/GSD_Friendly"In GSDs" as of 1967