What should I buy BEFORE we have our new boxer puppy? What materials?

Thanks in advanced.It's going to be 8 weeks by the way.Yes, Ashlee! I would like the recipe!

    What should I buy BEFORE we have our new boxer puppy? What materials?

    Thanks in advanced.It's going to be 8 weeks by the way.Yes, Ashlee! I would like the recipe!...
    General Dog Discussions : What should I buy BEFORE we have our new boxer puppy? What materials?...

    • What should I buy BEFORE we have our new boxer puppy? What materials?

      What should I buy BEFORE we have our new boxer puppy? What materials? General Dog Discussions
      Thanks in advanced.It's going to be 8 weeks by the way.Yes, Ashlee! I would like the recipe!

      What should I buy BEFORE we have our new boxer puppy? What materials?

      What should I buy BEFORE we have our new boxer puppy? What materials? General Dog Discussions
    • If you plan on crate training, a crate big enough for him to grow in to. The ones with the dividers in the middle work wonders. Potty pads.Shampoo.Nail Clippers.Dog Treats. (I make my own that my dogs die for, if you'd like the recipe. They're peanut butter)Water and food dish.Puppy Food.Toys. Plenty of toys.Pee stain remover. Even if you clean it with bleach, the dog will still go back to that spot to pee because they leave a scent only they can smell.Dog tag.Collar. Just until the dog has grown up enough to be moved in to a harness. Brush.Ear cleaner.Dog door. Not a must have, but oh my gosh does it work wonders!Dog bed. Somewhere he can go to feel safe and get away, knowing people will leave him alone. Flea medicine. I swear, the fleas are worse this year than they've ever been.I can't think of anything else, but I'm pretty sure this would get you through the dogs first year or so. Lol. Good luck.