how much approx my dog worth?

i have a 4 year old red female staffordshire terrier that me and my husband are putting up for sale, how much approx do staffys go for nowadays?? we bought her for over £200. answers would be appreiciated thankyou xxfor the majority of you guys thats…

    how much approx my dog worth?

    i have a 4 year old red female staffordshire terrier that me and my husband are putting up for sale, how much approx do staffys go for nowadays?? we bought her for over £200. answers would be appreiciated thankyou xxfor the majority of you guys thats…...
    General Dog Discussions : how much approx my dog worth?...

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    • how much approx my dog worth?

      how much approx my dog worth? General Dog Discussions
      i have a 4 year old red female staffordshire terrier that me and my husband are putting up for sale, how much approx do staffys go for nowadays?? we bought her for over £200. answers would be appreiciated thankyou xxfor the majority of you guys thats just answered, we have had the dog for a year and i have a newborn baby son whom i dont want to be around her as she is not that relaible with children. we are also changing address and are not allowed pets so for all the cocky answers, stick that in ya pipe n smoke it!!!!

      how much approx my dog worth?

      how much approx my dog worth? General Dog Discussions
    • With the risk of making you angry...Your question is despicable!Animals are not "owned" They are loved and become a part of ones family...Would you sell your child?You will feel much better to give the girl to someone that will love it for the short time they are alive.Their love is unconditional...Yours has a price!

    • if you have papers hav you ever breed her as you will get more than 250per pup if you need the cash / if you are selling due to health etc pls make sure you don't sell 2 1st person with the cash as theres enough idiots giving staffs a bad name

    • A dog is worth what it's worth to their owner. Unfortunately, yours if obviously worth nothing. Most dogs are priceless.With SBT Rescue bursting at the seams, all you can hope is that your dog finds a loving permanent home with someone who values her for what she is, not what for she's worth.

    • why would you sell a part of your family like that .i couldn't do that sorry please rethink think you might regret if you sold her .cant put a price .rehink rethink this is added on i was not meant to be a cocky answer didnt know your reason why you have to sell your dog for .....should have made it clearer in begining sorry

    • ** Not quite sure why I've gotten 7 thumbs down considering I nailed the issue right on target before any additional information was provided by the asker. How exactly does honest and accurate information warren that many thumbs down? **To those who seem so quick to judge you for wanting to sell your dog, it is my sincere hope that they stop and think for a moment as to why you may be selling your dog. How do you (those who seem to think she's wrong for selling her dog) people know that she may have just had a new baby and the dog has rejected the baby? It happens! Would you rather she and her husband sell the baby instead? Or perhaps they've just moved to a new house or apartment and are unable to keep the dog? Or what if the dog desperately needs a playmate but they cannot afford to have two dogs and want the very best life they can provide for their dog? Now on to my answer...Considering her age, you won't be able to get much more for her than what you paid for originally. People pay high amounts for breeds that have a strong and solid bloodline and are still puppies as this allows them to incorporate the dog into the new owner's life and lifestyle without having to worry about prior behavior, more specifically bad behavior. Because the dog is now 4 years old, chances are the dog has picked up a variety of habits that a new owner may not agree with. You may allow the dog to sleep on your bed or eat table scraps, whereas the new owner may be strongly against both behaviors, further prompting potential dog owners to want a puppy that they can train to accommodate their own beliefs in how a dog should act and be trained.I wish you all the best in finding your dog a new, happy and loving home!

    • Dogs are like cars and computers, they depreciate in value as soon as you buy them. The dog homes are stuffed full of pedigree dogs, adult dogs aren't worth anything unless they are show champions. The going rate is about £60 for the vaccination certificate, papers, plus any equipment (bed etc).Usually its a struggle to rehome pet dogs. Its not like selling an inanimate object, the new owner will need info about her behavioural backround (does she like kids, get on with cats, is she well trained etc).The more info you give the better chance you have of rehoming her.

    • Putting up for sale? How are about using the phrase, need to fine a good home for (how sad after you had her 4 yrs already). How can you put a price on finding a good loving home for her! It's sad enough she has to leave for what-ever reason, but I would not concern myself with any MONEY, I would concern myself that she FOUND A GOOD , LOVING HOME !!! That is worth more than anything for the precious dog.

    • New to yahoo ain't ya. Why would you ask a bunch of dog loving fools like me and these other wonderful peeps how much you should sell your dog for. If you have no choice we might understand but next time give us more info and you will receive better help.

    • How much do you love her? She's losing her family, her status, her pack, and she hasn't a clue about it. She won't understand it when she is in the new environment. So figure out how much that's worth to the dog. Then base the silver on that$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    • if i hade a pet i wood not sell it fore love nore eney amount off money a pet is fore life not just becusse you want to sell it think wate you are dowing frist its not you that will suffer its the pore little dog that will in the end if you sell it to eney one you have to be very carefull

    • I understand how you feel... It is better for you to find a good home for your dog, than to put yourselves , your baby, and yes your dog in danger.. I would probably sell her for about $100, but check out the people you sell her to... give a thourough interveiw and if possible, check out their background and where they live... these are important things to look into as to I am sure you love your dog.. Sometimes love hurts and the best thing you can do is the last thing you want to do... God Bless and good luck!

    • Since you have to get rid of your dog... then you have to do it. Hopefully it is a difficult thing for you to do (not because I want you to suffer, but because it means you love her). But your baby must take priority over your dog, I have to agree.I think most people are turned off at the idea of selling your dog, and what she is worth. This raises a couple problems. First, it makes you seem like you are more interested in making money than making sure your dog gets a good home. If you are selling it in the paper or something, who knows who will buy her, if they are reliable, if they will treat her right. It just seems selfish and cruel. Second, no one who is responsible will pay pure-breed prices from some random person selling. If a person is buying a pure breed and paying top dollar for it, then they will go to a breeder to ensure they know what they are getting. The only person who will pay good money for an unsure dog is someone doing something wrong with it, or who does not know much about dogs to know what they should do. This means you are gambling with your dog's health and safety.Instead of trying to sell your dog, why not try some other options. I am assuming you got your dog from a breeder. Go to the breeder and ask if she can help you at all. Tell her your situation and see if she will help you sell your dog on consignment. If not, see if a relative or friend who you know will be good will take her for little or nothing. You will not make money, but you will ensure a good home. If nothing else works, try a rescue society. They will take your dog and find a good home. And you do not have to worry about your dog being put down. If you care about your dog, and not just money, try doing the responsible thing and make sure your dog is taken care of when you are forced to get rid of her. I must say I am a still a little disgusted by this question. Not because you need to get rid of your dog, things happen. It is because you want to sell her now and are even looking for how much she is worth. She is not a car that once you have no use for her you sell her off for as much as you can get. Be responsible, get her a good home.