If an animal has a disability and in good spirits and health.?

A Disability from birth, An illness,Training, or an accident.Should it be pout down?

    If an animal has a disability and in good spirits and health.?

    A Disability from birth, An illness,Training, or an accident.Should it be pout down?...
    General Dog Discussions : If an animal has a disability and in good spirits and health.?...

    • If an animal has a disability and in good spirits and health.?

      If an animal has a disability and in good spirits and health.? General Dog Discussions
      A Disability from birth, An illness,Training, or an accident.Should it be pout down?

      If an animal has a disability and in good spirits and health.?

      If an animal has a disability and in good spirits and health.? General Dog Discussions
    • Only if the disability is severely crippling that puts the animal in physcial danger, pain, depression or the such. Otherwise if they are happy and functioning on their own and have an understanding owner who loves and cares for them. They should be allowed to live.--Like the dog with only 2 legs, it can walk around and seems happy, and its owners protect and care for it, so it should be allowed to live.Though if a dog had no legs I would say put it down because that would be the same as locking a dog in a cage, being a prisoner of your own body is no fun.

    • My ferret Keawea might beg to differ with anyone who thinks so. She went blind recently at the age of 7 and hasn't slowed down a drop. Her little 2 lb self can still do anything, I just have a place a pillow against the wall at the top of the stairs so when she charges up and forgets how many steps there are and tries to go up an extra one that isn't there she doesn't smack headlong into the wall. That is literally the ONLY difference in her life. Sure, she sometimes almost falls off the bed, but even if I don't grab her in time my puppy (her best friend) does. She is still crazy healthy, despite several benign tumors, including one large ulcerated one. She is, in fact the healthiest 7 year old /or oldest ferret that more than one of the vets we frequent have seen. I will continue to keep her going as long as her body allows, and at her rate, she could be going for the record!