Why does my dog rub her ears on wee bits of food on the floor?

If we give my dog something like say a but of sausage or something she would put it in her mouth and like play with it then rub her ear in it? Why does she do that? Lol it's so funny but I'm just wondering why she does it?

    Why does my dog rub her ears on wee bits of food on the floor?

    If we give my dog something like say a but of sausage or something she would put it in her mouth and like play with it then rub her ear in it? Why does she do that? Lol it's so funny but I'm just wondering why she does it?...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog rub her ears on wee bits of food on the floor?...

    • Why does my dog rub her ears on wee bits of food on the floor?

      Why does my dog rub her ears on wee bits of food on the floor? General Dog Discussions
      If we give my dog something like say a but of sausage or something she would put it in her mouth and like play with it then rub her ear in it? Why does she do that? Lol it's so funny but I'm just wondering why she does it?

      Why does my dog rub her ears on wee bits of food on the floor?

      Why does my dog rub her ears on wee bits of food on the floor? General Dog Discussions
    • This may be your dogs natural instinct to preserve food, in the wild this behaviour would bury the food under lose earth and leaves to hide it from scavengers just like burying a bone in the back yard.In an indoor setting the most your dog can do is hide it in a corner or under furniture, both my dogs did this all the time when they were puppies.Just make sure she doesn't hide sausages around your house were you can't find it!