Do u've any idea about docking the tail of a Rottweiler at age 35 days? Do it or not?

I've a 35 days old rottweiler and the tail didn't been docked until now, does anyone have any idea about docking the tail at that age?

    Do u've any idea about docking the tail of a Rottweiler at age 35 days? Do it or not?

    I've a 35 days old rottweiler and the tail didn't been docked until now, does anyone have any idea about docking the tail at that age?...
    General Dog Discussions : Do u've any idea about docking the tail of a Rottweiler at age 35 days? Do it or not?...

    • Do u've any idea about docking the tail of a Rottweiler at age 35 days? Do it or not?

      Do u've any idea about docking the tail of a Rottweiler at age 35 days? Do it or not? General Dog Discussions
      I've a 35 days old rottweiler and the tail didn't been docked until now, does anyone have any idea about docking the tail at that age?

      Do u've any idea about docking the tail of a Rottweiler at age 35 days? Do it or not?

      Do u've any idea about docking the tail of a Rottweiler at age 35 days? Do it or not? General Dog Discussions
    • Don't do it, it's purely aesthetic, not necessary. Would you like for someone to cut off one of your fingers or something just because they think it would look nicer?

    • 1st of all.....why would you mutilate a animal. Is it for astetics??? dont do it. How would you like it if i cut something of yours off, cuz i dont think it's pretty. dont do it

    • I would seek veterinary advise on this one. You are going to get ranted at for this question. You should have been advised by your breeder as to whats, what. 35 days, the dog should still be with its mum at this age.

    • Well now it is a surgery. It will be more expensive and it will require that you will have to take extra special care of the surgical site. Can it be done? Yes, if it's legal in your area.

    • If you want to get his tail done, then you must go to a vet clinic... From what I understand, many of them are now refusing to do the procedure, as it is seen as inhumane, and totally uneccessary, however if you are refused by vets, then you need to look do your research and find a reputable breeder that does tail docking... If you do decide to go to a breeder, be sure to inspect the place, and make sure it is sterile, otherwise your pup may get an infection, and you also need to be sure that his tail is kept cleaned afterwards too... During the recovery stage, you may find that he probably wont eat or drink, and may lose weight... Basically, the choice is your's, but I just wanted to tell you what I know...

    • responsible dog owner would never dock a dogs tail it purely to make the dog look asethically pleasing and is banned by crufts for any breed of dog. it is also painful for the dog and completely not neccessary.

    • At that age it is a surgery. It takes longer to heal and you dont normally have it done at that age. Docking is done as a puppy at 2-5 days. by a VET. At 35 days the VET would have to put him under and amputate the tail. Unless it is causeing him pain, or is damaged ie a break or infection, the VETs dont generally remove the tail. If you want the tail removed or DOCKED it needs to be done by a VET and at a very young age. Talk to your VET and see what he says.

    • As you have posted in the Uk section i assume you are from the Uk.If so it is now elligal to dock a dogs tail unless it is a working dog or has some sort of medical reason why it has to be done. This would be why its tail hasent been docked.So no vets should do it for you and it is dangerous (and probbley elligal) to do it yourself.

    • Its too late now. It should have been done when the pup was a few days old.Now it would require surgury to amputate the tail. Many vets will not do this, unless the tail suffers an injury and its medically neceissary... its an increased risk putting the puppy under surgury.. there is a risk of infection and pain.Its also illegal in some areas to dock.

    • Are you here, in the UK?If so, I think you'll find it would be illegal to dock this dog.No matter where you are, it is immoral, unnecessary and uncalled for.EVEN when docking was considered 'normal', it was preformed at only a day or so old. By 35 days there is much more chance that your dog will end up with a damaged stump, rather than a clean dock.