My dog is pregnant and the father is twice her size?

My heeler mix mated with a black lab that is almost 2 times her size. Could there be any problems with the pups being too big for her to give birth to?Please don't tell me just to go to the vet...I want to know from someone who has experience preferably.…

    My dog is pregnant and the father is twice her size?

    My heeler mix mated with a black lab that is almost 2 times her size. Could there be any problems with the pups being too big for her to give birth to?Please don't tell me just to go to the vet...I want to know from someone who has experience preferably.…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : My dog is pregnant and the father is twice her size?...

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    • My dog is pregnant and the father is twice her size?

      My dog is pregnant and the father is twice her size? Dog Breed Discussions
      My heeler mix mated with a black lab that is almost 2 times her size. Could there be any problems with the pups being too big for her to give birth to?Please don't tell me just to go to the vet...I want to know from someone who has experience preferably. Thanks anyway to those who answered.NO ABORTIONS it's not the puppies' fault that we didn't get her spayed.Can't get my dog spayed cuz I'm a broke 16 year old...not cuz I'm ignorant. And mutts make the best kind of dog fyi.

      My dog is pregnant and the father is twice her size?

      My dog is pregnant and the father is twice her size? Dog Breed Discussions
    • well, i dont think so, because the puppies wont be born the size of the lab, and there are heeler-lab mixes, i just dont know what theyre called. but just to b sure check up on her w/the vet. hope the pups come in good health!

    • Yes, i`d check with the vet. Sounds like she may need assisted birth or cut open(forgot the word!lol!) to have her pups. You dont want to lose her aswell as the puppies. So as your vet asap.I do know about these things!I did nearly 2 years of animal care at college!

    • Go to the vet and have her spayed, this will abort the unwanted litter. This more then likly will kill her if she has to have the puppies. Will your family have the 2500+ it costs to have a emergency c-section on your dog? I dont understand why people let this happen all the time.I have heard this happen on more then one occasion where peoples dogs have DIED and the WHOLE litter dies aswell. OR you loose the mother (DEAD) and you will now have to bottle feed 6+ babies for the next 4 weeks every 2 hours.No ABORTIONS? So bring in another litter of dogs just KILLS other dogs waiting for homes at shelters. and also risks the chance of KILLING your own dog. Obviously you dont care to much for if you irresponsibly let her get pregnent.

    • Yes, the puppies could very well be too big for her to whelp them naturally. Start saving now for your c-section.. cause it's likely you'll need to have it done.

    • The female determines the size and quantity of the puppies. The male determines the sex of the puppies. If this was not a planned breeding, go to the vet to get an abortion shot immediately.

    • Yes, of course there can be problems. They can be costly problems, but you seem too ignorant to bring your animal to the vet(your words...don't tell me to bring her to the vet), so your dog will probably suffer if she does make it to term with the pregnancy and ends up having problems. And why isn't your dog spayed? There is no point having an intact mutt. Geez...go to the vet(like everyone else is saying) and have her spayed, tomorrow! I don't understand why people won't get their animals spayed and neutered...Edit:No abortions? C'mon, get in touch with the real world. If the pups(or mom) make it, they'll probably end up like tons of other dogs in the world(and lots are PUREBRED) the shelter and scheduled for euthanasia. The kindest thing you CAN do is abort them. You are the type of person who shouldn't own animals since you can't keep them responsibly.

    • There shouldn't be much of a problem... your dog's body wouldn't grow the puppies to be too big to get out on her own. Also, it's not as though she's a chihuahua, so there isn't as extreme of a size difference as most people would think. The shape of the heads of the two breeds are also easier to push out than breeds with proportionally larger heads, so yeah, you shouldn't encounter too much of a problem. But just to be on the safe side (I know everyone has said it), take her to the vet or just call them up and ask questions, because the only dumb questions are those that go unasked.

    • There are a few problems you may have. It is not uncommon for larger-breed puppies to actually grow too large in the womb (especially if there are only a few puppies). This can cause dynamic problems resulting in deformations, and inability of the bitch to pass them during birth. If there are more than a few puppies (6 or more) they should not grow large enough to cause a problem.I would suggest keeping close track of every development of her pregnancy, including early ultrasound to determine the number of pups. X-rays at 45 days or so will also help determine the individual size of each pup. Should a c-section be required to safely deliver the pups, it is best to know as soon as possible, so you can make proper arrangements for surgery.[oh for heaven's sake, the word b*tch isn't allowed in a forum for DOGs]

    • Relax, your dog is mostly likely NOT going to die. Its not that large of a diffrence in the breeds. Its also 2 breeds that are not known to have lots of problems birthing puppies. Had one been some kind of Bulldog, or the female was a toy dog. Then you'll have the problems. The mother is not the one that determines the size of the puppies as someone stated, if that was true then how can he explain my foster Golden Ret. that gave birth to 11 Rott/Golden X's that were all black or black and tan and about 2 times bigger than her ... well all except one that was about 2 times smaller than her as an adult? Its a 50/50 split. Some of the puppies can be her size, all the puppies can be her size, and possibly ALL the puppies will be like dad. Its a big puzzle who gets what genes. Be thoughtful though about this. If the mating happened early and you caught this a shot is all it takes to get rid of the unwanted puppies. NO the puppies should NOT have to suffer for your mistake but niether does the whole country that has to give a home to these possibly unwanted pups. Its easy, cheap, and will save your dog from going through a litter. Spaying her would be a nice thing. IF THIS was an intentional breeding and not an oops accident. Then it wasnt a smart one and you have learned from it. I would not worry much on if mom can give birth she will do fine, but you should as a concerned and loving owner, have a vet on stand-by in case she does have difficulties. Also get her proper pre-natal checkups and give her lots of good food and love. Be sure to give her a good place to have the puppies, not a box outside in the dirt. Then when shes all done with those little pups get her spayed so it doesnt happen again.ADDITION: People of the world out there... if you ALL had personal experiances where you dogs had to have C-sections every single time they gave birth then you are breeding bad dogs. If ever single MUTT out there or female dog that ever got pregnant needed a c-section every single time she gave birth then we wouldnt be having the crisis of over population that we have today. The dog will 90% be fine. Every day Chihuahua moms are giving birth to Beagle/labs/pittbulls and other odd such mixes... While HIGHLY dangerous and big C-section territory most make it ok... So in my many years of FOSTERING and taking care of expecting mother dogs....latest count was 186 litters of puppies at my home in 11 years. ( 7 C-sections in 11 years for the Shelter and OTHER foster care homes. 8 c-sections in 11 years is a pretty low number considering the natural births were in the high 500's) 1 was a total C-section and 2 were delayed labors that required a shot of Oxytocin. The C-section was a Beagle that was pregnant with a Border Collies puppies, one was coming out folded in half. It was a freak accident. Thats why I said to have the Vet on standby. SHEESH.MORE ADDITION: its not the HEADS that are the problems, The heads can fold and bend thats why the skulls are supple to beable to get out.. Its the Chests and shoulders that are the problems. The other HUGE problem are puppies that come out backwards or feet first. The WORST is the when the pups heads are folded backwards onto its spine. Almost always these guys get stuck. Some was right earlier about the slight possiblity that the mother may only have 1 or 2 pups and that can become a problem since those pups get extraordinarly big but that can happen to any female bred to any male. ITs a chance to take when you breed a dog.

    • Speaking from experience, yes, it's highly possible there could be problems. The biggest danger is that the heads of the puppies will be larger than the mother will be able to pass. There is a great risk of a puppy getting stuck in the canal. This can kill the mother and the puppies.I suggest you keep a good eye on her at all times when it comes near the end of her pregnancy. Familiarize yourself with signs of labor so you know what to look for. Also make an appointment with a local vet and explain to him/her that the father of the puppies is considerably larger than the mother. The vet will be able to explain in greater dealer the possibilities for complications.Usually in cases like this the mother will need a c-section to whelp her pups. She will not be able to do it on her own because the size of their heads will be larger than the size of the birth canal. She will stretch to whelp them, just like human women do. But she can only stretch so much!Good luck!