My dog is pregnant and the father is twice her size?

My heeler mix mated with a black lab that is almost 2 times her size. Could there be any problems with the pups being too big for her to give birth to?Please don't tell me just to go to the vet...I want to know from someone who has experience preferably.…

    My dog is pregnant and the father is twice her size?

    My heeler mix mated with a black lab that is almost 2 times her size. Could there be any problems with the pups being too big for her to give birth to?Please don't tell me just to go to the vet...I want to know from someone who has experience preferably.…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : My dog is pregnant and the father is twice her size?...

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    • You have 3 choices:1. Watch your dog and the pups all die2. Have a pregnancy spay done ($200)3. Have an emergency C-section done ($2,000)

    • I am so sorry about how rude people are being to you on here i know how it feels to be skint don t worry your dog should be fine i saw recently a tiny dog got pregnant by a rotweiler If you are worried just go in to the vet i know at the vet i use for my cat they give free advice if you ask. I don t know if you are brittish or american but in england we have a charity called PDSA who help with costs of vet bills good luck and try not to worry

    • That is a big size difference. I can tell you what the worst potential problems could be--Her uterus could become too full and actually rupture and kill herShe could carry fine, but need a c-sectionShe could actually try to deliver and rip herself up with big puppies or have one get stuckShe will definitely loose weight and have nutritional issues trying to carry large puppies-------------------------------------------If you are only sixteen then this is your parent's responsibility not yours. They need to own up and take responsibility for their dog. I know you are the one that's worried, but it is their financial responsibility and legal responsibility to care for the dog.There is a very good chance she will be ok, and not have huge problems with the pregnancy and delivery. But it is a big risk to take. If it were my dog I would have her aborted/spayed. I don't say that lightly because I rarely think it is the only choice. But this time it is the best choice. This breeding was not a good thing. They are possibly sacrificing your dog in an effort to simply have puppies. It is just not good. If they can't take the dog to a vet, it would be in the dog's best interest to surrender it to a shelter where it could get some medical care.

    • Sometimes the mom may die, sometime she may not. my friend had a chiwahwah or whatever it is lol, and it got preg with a yellow/white lab and lived. She got really really fat and only had 2 pups. and by the time her pups were 2 months old they were bigger than her. Everyone was suprised she lived. But you really really really should take her ot the vet and see if he/she thinks she will be ok. My friend did that.

    • just as in humans every pregnancy is different, but i did have a similar experience but my female dog was even smaller. my dog was a toy fox terrier. she also got preganant from a lab. she had no problems and the puppies all lived she had a litter of 4. they were all small like a fox terrier puppy when bornso maybe the person who answered telling you that the female determines birth size and the male determines sex of the puppies is right. good luck and i hope you can find good homes for them all. might want to save your money to get her fixed so this doesn't happen again. that's what we did, because there is always the chance of one or the other getting loose and it happening again. why tempt fate twice.

    • they will only grow to the size of the bitches womb then once born have a growth spurt, we had a Jack Russell that got catch by a border collie, and the pups were fine and so was the mom, she had four pups one small pup and two medium and the first one that arrived was a big pup but she did not have trouble with it, the vet was already on site attending a horse and just came to see her and said she was fine, and left her to give birth,all but one of the pups grew to be bigger than her, about half way between mom and dad, the little one[runt of the litter] ended up same size as her and is still with her mom now[she is seven years old now].I am sure your dog will be fine good luck.

    • If the pups are too big for mom to carry (which is only known by an ultrasound done at the vet you can't afford or by guessing because as you say the lab is 2x her size), then either carrying the pups or birthing them may KILL YOUR DOG. Better to sacrifice a littler of unborn unprepared for pups ASAP than risk death to your dog. Right? Can you afford a cesarian section when the pups come? Sounds like you have a lot of options to weigh.

    • When I was a kid I took in all kinds of strays. Up to 17 at one point. Back then spaying/neuturing was for the wealthy. I saw this happen several times. Usually if the female survives the mating process they'll be ok. But there is risk. Sometimes the babies are too big and it can kill the mother giving birth. Maybe you could call a vet that cares for strays & abandoned pets & they would give you some advise or maybe even help you free of charge. Just like drs. there are a few who care more for the animals than just the income.My son had one when he was little he prayed over because for all intents & purposes child birth had almost killed her because of too many (not your situation). The next morning she began to stir a little but we had to bottle feed the pups for a couple of days, keep her warm & feed her chicken broth (I kid you, not). But all survived.Sometimes when you don't have the money and no other options prayer can work miracles. I'll keep them in mine.

    • I know that you dont want to hear the words go to the vet, but you should really ask him/her for advice. Obviously this was not planned and although the pups might be born small as they grow your dog might not be able to feed them and you may end up with a lot of sickly puppies and one sickly dog. In your added notes you seem quick to defend your decision to keep the puppies and i can really see where you are coming from but please speak to a professional - as unless you are qualified it is not possible to list the pros and cons of this pregnancy.I hope this helps!

    • Don't worry about your dogs pregnancy. My neighbors own a dog who is constantly having puppies with dogs three times her size every 6 months. The pups will probably not be too big. P.S. Don't let the "spay and neuter police" get you down with all their ignorant, rude comments. They are like this with EVERYONE who asks a question similar to yours, so don't take it personally. :)Good Luck XD

    • If you can't afford to get her spayed then you definitely can't afford to allow the pregnancy to continue. There could well be complications like the need for a caesarean (quite often happens anyway regardless of the breed of the parents) plus routine scans and healthchecks. Then health checks and possibly special diets for the pups, Then getting all the puppies vaccinated before they go off to their new homes (which means more cross breed dogs dying in shelters).Speak to your parents, someone needs to take responsibility for this dog and get it treated at the vets to stop the pregnancy and prevent future 'accidents'

    • my collie got my neighbours terrier pregnant and she passed 7 puppies absolutely fine. Obviously the best thing you can do is ask a vet and i now you said you are only 16 etc but shouldnt you have thought about vet bills when u brought the dog?