What can I give to my hamster to put on weight?

My Hamster has a womb infection and has lost a lot of weight and is unhealthily underweight. (She's about 65g right now, she used to be 100)What foods can I lay out to help her gain weight?Also, someone said syringing some water with a bit of sugar mixed…

    What can I give to my hamster to put on weight?

    My Hamster has a womb infection and has lost a lot of weight and is unhealthily underweight. (She's about 65g right now, she used to be 100)What foods can I lay out to help her gain weight?Also, someone said syringing some water with a bit of sugar mixed…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What can I give to my hamster to put on weight?...

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    • What can I give to my hamster to put on weight?

      What can I give to my hamster to put on weight? Dog Breed Discussions
      My Hamster has a womb infection and has lost a lot of weight and is unhealthily underweight. (She's about 65g right now, she used to be 100)What foods can I lay out to help her gain weight?Also, someone said syringing some water with a bit of sugar mixed in into her mouth would help. Will that be okay? (She's not drinking/eating that much on her own)Thanks!It's alright guys, she died. :/ But thank you for all your answers!

      What can I give to my hamster to put on weight?

      What can I give to my hamster to put on weight? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I am not sure if this works but try feeding it with the sugary water, the sugar should be 2 tenth the amount of water. Try giving it meat like mutton, insects, meal worm, fish, but it should be fresh in a packet or cooked.Try giving it human food, especially fruits, it is the same as giving it the sugared water.But beware of poisonous food like:Almonds (Contains Cyanic Acid)Apple SeedsCanned foodChocolateCandiesChips and Junk foodPork ProductsPotatoes (Raw)Raw Kidney BeansEggplantFool's ParsleyGrape SeedsAvocado (Contains Cardiac Glycosides)Raw RhubarbTomato leavesOranges or Tangerines(no citrus fruits)No watermelon (the water content is high causes diarrhea)Cherry StonePeach Stone & LeavesApricot StoneLemon or LimeJams and jelliesSpicesGarlicOnionsLeeksScallionsChivesPickles.

    • my guinea pig has gained weight. i have thought should i use va hamster wheel because its amazing how hamsters gain weight and play on a wheel. can i?