Can two puppies leave their mother together at 6 weeks of age?

We are getting two border collie pups that are brother and sister . Mum has rejected them completely and stopped her milk. Puppies are weaned on scraps and mix of dry an wet dog food. Question is will they be ok together if we have them at 6 weeks? I…

    Can two puppies leave their mother together at 6 weeks of age?

    We are getting two border collie pups that are brother and sister . Mum has rejected them completely and stopped her milk. Puppies are weaned on scraps and mix of dry an wet dog food. Question is will they be ok together if we have them at 6 weeks? I…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can two puppies leave their mother together at 6 weeks of age?...

    • Can two puppies leave their mother together at 6 weeks of age?

      Can two puppies leave their mother together at 6 weeks of age? Dog Breed Discussions
      We are getting two border collie pups that are brother and sister . Mum has rejected them completely and stopped her milk. Puppies are weaned on scraps and mix of dry an wet dog food. Question is will they be ok together if we have them at 6 weeks? I have already invested in top quality puppy food and plan to take them to puppy classes when old enough for socialisation and training .

      Can two puppies leave their mother together at 6 weeks of age?

      Can two puppies leave their mother together at 6 weeks of age? Dog Breed Discussions
    • 8-10 weeks is ideal, but 6 weeks is ok if the mother dog is rejecting them.They'll be weaned at 4-5 weeks old, so will be able to eat a mix of commercial dog/puppy food at 6 weeks. Soak the dry kibble in warm water for 10 mins to soften it up a bit, if necessary.

    • I would keep them with their mother until they are 9 weeks old. That is the proper age to start giving them to new homes anyway. They still have much to learn from the mother.

    • Nope they need to stay with their litter for at least another two weeks. Also two pups is a bad idea if you don't have experience with raising litter mates and having to separate them on a regular basis not just for training but so they are not more tightly bonded to one another over you all.

    • yes they will be fine dont let people touch them. dont put them on the floor especially if other dogs have been there. get shots and remember shots are more effective the second round thats way you should wait til 8 weeks but follow precautions and they should be A-OKAY :)

    • It is preferable to wait until at least 8 weeks, but if Mom has rejected them, than you dont have much choice. I would avoid the canned diet and stick to dry. Canned at this age can cause diarrhea and other gastric issues. If they are having difficulty with the dry food, you can soften it with a small amount of warm water.The breeder sounds a little incompetent ( if they were weaned on "scraps"...and canned food) so i would be certain to get them to a vet as soon as you pick them up, to be sure there are no serious health issues. They can also have their first vaccine DhLPPC at 6 weeks and should be given pyrantel ( on dose now...again in 3 weeks) for round worms as they likely have them ( they get them from mom). Bring a stool sample from each pup with you as well to rule out any other parasites.

    • When the Mother has rejected them (who says this and are they competent to make that judgement?) then they need very special looking after ideally with a family that has another adult female dog that may at least try and mother them and be a role model while you feed them on vet's advice.

    • i say 6 weeks is the absolute minimum. Really you should get one at 8+ weeks. Most people say to avoid getting 2 puppies together - unless you can be with them 24/7 and are an experienced border collie owner. I have been looking at getting a border collie pup and came across a website (in the sources - please read through their FAQ's) they say:"Q. Can I buy two puppies at the same time?A. If you already have a well behaved dog and you'd like a second one, that's a great idea, both for you and your dog but you should avoid buying two puppies at the same time (particularly litter-mates).Two pups will bond with each other, rather than with you and this can make them very difficult to train properly. Unless you have lots of spare time and are prepared to train the young dogs seperately it's a far better idea to have one puppy, and then after six or better still, twelve months or more, when your first dog is really nicely under control, buy a second pup.If you do it this way, the first dog will help you train the second one!"Please read through their website, they are experienced border collie owners and i learned a lot from their website.

    • yes! my pup was took away from his mam at 6 weeks old hes sister was 7 weeks as my brothers partner wanted 1 she was the last one! out of 4 my cousin kept 1 for her friend who was away at the time she looked after that as none of the pups had mother bondage at the age of 6 weeks as long as you keep the brother and sister together dont take them apart when they pups my brothers dog slept in a card board box with mine and they both fine except hes a little YOU KNOW haha :) my antie got a pup 7 year ago she still as her but she got it from a backyard he wanted money for drugs he told my antie that buffy << her dogs name haha was 6 weeks old but when she took her to the vet for her 1st injection she thort her dog was 8 weeks old but the vet said she just turned 6 weeks :L when she was 4 weeks my antie fed her through a syringe with puppy milk :)