What will i need for a 6 month old Pomeranian?

Hi I am buying a 10 month Pomeranian in a couple of weeks. I am going to obviously buy him a bed and food bowls and things like that but im not sure what else i should but him.Will he still need teething toys and things like that?Will he still need puppy…

    What will i need for a 6 month old Pomeranian?

    Hi I am buying a 10 month Pomeranian in a couple of weeks. I am going to obviously buy him a bed and food bowls and things like that but im not sure what else i should but him.Will he still need teething toys and things like that?Will he still need puppy…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What will i need for a 6 month old Pomeranian?...

    • What will i need for a 6 month old Pomeranian?

      What will i need for a 6 month old Pomeranian? Dog Breed Discussions
      Hi I am buying a 10 month Pomeranian in a couple of weeks. I am going to obviously buy him a bed and food bowls and things like that but im not sure what else i should but him.Will he still need teething toys and things like that?Will he still need puppy food or adult or mix ?Will he be harder to train?(I know he will need vet things and insurance)Thanks :) xSorry did mean 6 months not to sure why i put 10 months lol

      What will i need for a 6 month old Pomeranian?

      What will i need for a 6 month old Pomeranian? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Is he 6 months or 10 months?? You say both.He will need grooming supplies, dog shampoo, nail clippers/grinder, tooth brush, leash, collar, (harness is better - collars tend to irritate the trachea) pet stain remover.Poms are very smart and in general learn very quickly, with the exception of housebreaking. They can difficult to housebreak, so be consistent and patient with rewarding good behavior.ADD:Since he is just 6 months, keep him on puppy food. High quality like Wellness or Canidae. And if he isn't neutered yet, you should do that ASAP to keep him from marking and running away to find a female in heat. It will also prevent him from getting testicular cancer.

    • Yes he will need to be on puppy food til he is a year old. Training dogs can be difficult but as long as you are consistent and don't lose your cool you will do fine I would look for a local dog training facility. Poms are harder to house train than other breeds (not sure why) but it can be done. Toys like Kongs are great they can chew on them and they will not breakHouse breaking tip if he is not fixed do it asap it will help!!!hope this helps!!

    • Feed puppy food until he is about a year old. Ideally a good quality food like James Wellbeloved or Burns.He will need a good selection of toys including ones he can knaw on. Make sure they are the right size for him as he will be quite small. Kong's are the best toy I can recommend so research them online and get one. I use mine everyday. Make sure you get an ID disc for his collar. If you live in the U.K it will need to have your surname, first line of address, phone number and postcode on the be legal. Good luck!