are cavalier king charles spaniel puppies a good choice of breed for a family with small children?

Heard mixed reviews on if this is a good breed choice for a family with small children what do you think???

    are cavalier king charles spaniel puppies a good choice of breed for a family with small children?

    Heard mixed reviews on if this is a good breed choice for a family with small children what do you think???...
    Dog Breed Discussions : are cavalier king charles spaniel puppies a good choice of breed for a family with small children?...

    • are cavalier king charles spaniel puppies a good choice of breed for a family with small children?

      are cavalier king charles spaniel puppies a good choice of breed for a family with small children? Dog Breed Discussions
      Heard mixed reviews on if this is a good breed choice for a family with small children what do you think???

      are cavalier king charles spaniel puppies a good choice of breed for a family with small children?

      are cavalier king charles spaniel puppies a good choice of breed for a family with small children? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Yes. They are beautiful dogs and very excitable. They love being with a family as long as they are treated right. I have never known one of these breeds of dogs to be vicious. They are a great choice.

    • In general, the answer is yes. But you must make sure that your children realise that a puppy is not a toy, when the puppy is asleep or eating or going to the toilet, make sure your children leave it alone. Puppies of all breeds have sharp little teeth, so best teach your children to be careful. Never leave a puppy and small children alone together. Puppies are very fragile.

    • My daughters were 6 and 8 when I got our cavalier Pippin.My 6 year old was terrified of all dogs. As she grew up she learned to love dogs and would often be asking people if she could pat their dog. A local park had a meeting where people would bring their dogs to socialize. My daughter would even come with me and play with the larger dogs there.Any time there were toddlers and very small children Pippin was extremely well behaved and gentle. He seemed to know that jumping up didn't work with small children.Like any breed, some discipline is needed for training, however, Pippin was a pleasure to train, walk and play with.I hope you get a dog that is just as well behaved.

    • Yes they are! I have one she's called Alice and she is the most friendliest dog in the world she has never bit any small children, she has only bit one person and that was me when I tried to move her off of my seat on the sofa which she tricked me to get off of so she could sit there but it was only a little playful nip. They are really friendly, I know loads. They are lap dogs or what my mum calls them heated blankets. They will stay on your lap nearly all day.

    • The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is usually a pampered house dog that requires frequent and careful combing and brushing to prevent matting. It is an ideal house pet and family companion that socializes well with other family pets. The Cavalier King Charles is noted to be particularly good with children. He has very few quirks in his personality and not many hang-ups either, which helps to make him a good companion for children.The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is active and high-spirited. He enjoys pleasing his family in every way possible. The Cavalier King Charles is loving and loveable. Among his assets are intelligence and obedience. He is usually ready for walks or play time but will be just as content by himself dozing near his family when asked. This dog is charming and usually undemanding. The Cavalier King Charles also makes a good companion to senior citizens, young families and singles as well.His exercise requirements are easily accomplished in daily household activities. His need for exercise is not great, although as mentioned above, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel does enjoy walks with his loved ones. If walking with his loved ones is not available he is just as content romping around in the backyard.About Cavalier King Charles Spaniel -