How to bathe a 4 month old puppy?

I have a 4 month old poodle/german shepard mix, and her fur gets quite dirty after walks, I bought flea reppelent shampoo and I tried to bath her and she freaked out, I was wondering how I can get her used to the water and any techniques in washing her…

    How to bathe a 4 month old puppy?

    I have a 4 month old poodle/german shepard mix, and her fur gets quite dirty after walks, I bought flea reppelent shampoo and I tried to bath her and she freaked out, I was wondering how I can get her used to the water and any techniques in washing her…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to bathe a 4 month old puppy?...

    • How to bathe a 4 month old puppy?

      How to bathe a 4 month old puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a 4 month old poodle/german shepard mix, and her fur gets quite dirty after walks, I bought flea reppelent shampoo and I tried to bath her and she freaked out, I was wondering how I can get her used to the water and any techniques in washing her coat? Ty

      How to bathe a 4 month old puppy?

      How to bathe a 4 month old puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Loads of things you can do to build confidence.First have a second person on hand to help hold.Use warm water, so its not a cold shock.Start by bathing just part of the dog.Dont bath the head at first (until the dog accepts the body being bathed).Keep the baths short the first few times.Maybe just get them used to water first, dont shampoo.Perhaps try distraction techniques with the second person - such as feeding favourite treats.Lastly - Most dogs dont like their first few baths.But if you take it slow, use warm water, and have someone there to help hold the first few times, so they dont learn that struggling equals escaping...They will eventually come to accept it.Good luckPS - Its spelt German Shepherd (as in herding dog), not 'shepard'.