Is it unhygenic to let my 2 puppies sleep on my bed with me?

They got the bad habit after one of them came home from a week long stay at the vets after an accident and now cry outside the door at night if I don't let them in. It doesn't bother me to have them there, but is there anything I should be worried about?

    Is it unhygenic to let my 2 puppies sleep on my bed with me?

    They got the bad habit after one of them came home from a week long stay at the vets after an accident and now cry outside the door at night if I don't let them in. It doesn't bother me to have them there, but is there anything I should be worried about?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is it unhygenic to let my 2 puppies sleep on my bed with me?...

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    • Is it unhygenic to let my 2 puppies sleep on my bed with me?

      Is it unhygenic to let my 2 puppies sleep on my bed with me? Dog Breed Discussions
      They got the bad habit after one of them came home from a week long stay at the vets after an accident and now cry outside the door at night if I don't let them in. It doesn't bother me to have them there, but is there anything I should be worried about?

      Is it unhygenic to let my 2 puppies sleep on my bed with me?

      Is it unhygenic to let my 2 puppies sleep on my bed with me? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Well, hopefully they aren't soiling your bed, and if they have fleas I would worry, but otherwise, if they're clean and healthy, it shouldn't be an issue.

    • Nothing to worry about hygiene wise as long as they are kept clean and flea free. However,if you EVER want them not to sleep with you as adults you need to start training them to sleep in thier own beds now.

    • Aside from never being able to get them back out again? Probably not. As long as they're free of fleas, mange, or other problems, you and your pup will be fine.But if you're really worried, why not get a couple of dog beds and set them on the floor by your bed? That way they're in the room, but not on your bed.

    • Most people that own dogs let them sleep on the bed with them or they bully themselves onto the bed. It is not unhygienic unless you do not regularly bathe your dog of course.

    • All my dogs sleep with me. Dogs are for companionship, not for running loose outside. Let those puppies in, housebreak and crate train them, and enjoy your life with them...all over you and your bed!As far as hygienics are concerned, I don't think the dogs can catch anything bad from you! lol! he he he!

    • Sometimes with puppies they don't necessarily have to sleep on the bed, as they need to sleep where they can see a human when they wake up and be reassured. If you want them to sleep on the bed with you, you need to watch out for fleas, and of course if they pee on the bed. You might just try to put down some doggie pillows and blankets on the floor near your bed, that might work just as well.

    • no honey it is love them & they love you...let them in!before i owned a dog - i thought it was disgusting that people let dogs onto furniture & bedding...but now i have our dog Harry - he is on the sofa when he wants & sleeps on our bed at night...that is what happens when you are an animal lover...part of the family! don't let him cry & bugger what anyone else says!!


    • Our little shih tzu sleeps in our bed everynight. In fact, my husband is used to going to bed at 10 every night (he gets up early for work), so about 15 min before 10, Oreo starts whining and scratching at his leg until he goes to bed! He said he never thought he would let a dog tell him when to go to bed; but he loves it! Then, she curls up in the crook of his knees until I go to bed then she comes over to my knees. Our bed is too high for Oreo to jump up on, so we have a small set of doggie steps beside the bed so she can get up by herself. I do keep her bathed every week or at least every two weeks and change the sheets frequently. Oreo has flea meds on her all summer, plus she only goes out to take a quick run, do her pee thing and right back in. We love having Oreo in bed, and in fact if she leaves the bed for some reason and doesn't come back right away, I go looking for her. So...who has whom trained? :)

    • Its just another decision but do remember that once you decide that they can sleep there it is their bed too, so don't complain later when they grow, fart all night, nudge you to get the comfy bit or dig the bed up its theirs and that's natural dog(wolf )behaviour when they bed down nor should you get mad if they have accidents on iteitherANDif that wasn't enoughif you do want to go to other peoples houses that they will expect to go on their beds too and guess what other folks really ain't going to be pleased to have your pups/dogs in their bedrooms on their beds...Get them their own beds and you can take them anywhere together or seperate and its helpful too if they are ill at all.Plenty nice ones in ARGOS very reasonable, they'll be chuffed.

    • I have never allowed my dogs onto either my bed or the furniture. This is simply because I am concerned that when they are older they will hurt themselves when they jump off.Forget hygiene, your dogs will love a good cuddle. If unlike me you have a low bed, what the hell.

    • its no big deal as long as they are clean and you don't mind it.when it starts bothering you, introduce a bed on the floor near your own bed, as firm or soft as your own bed and lead them to it probably in the afternoon on weekends, they'll soon get used to it as long as they are close to you, later you can move them out of your bedroom as they get older and too big to sleep on the bed.:)