How soon can i take my puppy out to do his business?

I am getting my first puppy soon and i want to know at what age is it ok to take the puppy outside to do his business? I want to potty train him as soon as possible as i dont like the idea of wee-wee pads.

    How soon can i take my puppy out to do his business?

    I am getting my first puppy soon and i want to know at what age is it ok to take the puppy outside to do his business? I want to potty train him as soon as possible as i dont like the idea of wee-wee pads....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How soon can i take my puppy out to do his business?...

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    • How soon can i take my puppy out to do his business?

      How soon can i take my puppy out to do his business? Dog Breed Discussions
      I am getting my first puppy soon and i want to know at what age is it ok to take the puppy outside to do his business? I want to potty train him as soon as possible as i dont like the idea of wee-wee pads.

      How soon can i take my puppy out to do his business?

      How soon can i take my puppy out to do his business? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You can take him out at 8 weeks old if you want to, just don't leave him out for too long because he could catch parvo. I started potty training my Jack Russell-Chihuahua mix at 8 weeks old when I first got him but I never was out for too long unti after he had all his shots and immunizations and stuff.

    • When you get your puppy and bring it home not before at least 8 weeks and if you have a secure enclosed garden no other dogs can't get into then you can start putting him out in the garden as soon as you get him. Housetrainning takes time and patients. The puppy needs to go out about every 30 mins and after eating, playing and waking. You need to watch till it goes then praise it when he/she goes. Because if you don't wait till it goes you bet as sooner as you bring it in it will. You should always have newspaper or puppy pads downs . And you have to expect accidents they happen. Just clean up with a good produce that is designered to get rid of odour not just stain as if they can smell it they will keep going back to the same spot. You don't have to keep getting up at night just put down paper we all need are sleep and they will soon learn to hold it during the night. If you don't have a secure garden they i am affraid you need to wait till the puppy is fully vaccinated before starting to train them to go outside.

    • Glad you don't like the idea of wee wee pads. They SUCK they don't work, their worthless and they only teach a dog it's OK to sh*t and piss in the house. Smart thinking.You can take the pup out as soon as he's fully vaccinated at 12 weeks of age or earlier if he goes somewhere where there have been no previous dogs its sanitary and where you can supervise him. Take the pup outside to urinate and poop every 2 hours. When you are not home or cannot take him outside, like at night, you crate him, so he doesn't go in the house and learns to hold it. At a young age sometimes pup's will go in their crates, but better the crate than the floor, also, after a while they should learn to hold it.

    • You can take your puppy out as soon as you get it but only in a secure fenced garden which you know hasnt had any unvaccinated dogs. Although i need to add that its not only dogs that carry the parvovirus. The virus can be spread easily by being carried by, cats, foxes, rodents etc, so really if you take your pup out its at your own risk.Having said this i took my puppy out at 8 weeks in my back garden,and shes fine. I also hate the idea of pee pads! Good luck x x

    • Hi Trudy,You are smart. Wee-wee pads are so gross, stinky, and expensive. I wish I had been smart like you and been prepared when I got my first dog. My maltese puppy peed allover my house for 7 years and I hated finding the pee spots, getting on my hands and knees, and scrubbing the floor! I also hated paying the full deposit to pay for the 5 apartments that my dog ruined the carpet in. That sucked. I tried everything to train him and I just couldn't get him to stop! The good news is recently I found this thing online that really worked! This is what you can do:(1) Get a crate. The crate is like a bedroom and safe place for her to stay when you are not home to monitor her activity. She will like the safe home as long as it is safe and not used for punishment. It should only be slightly larger than her. Even with a crate, she still needs to be taken out frequently. Take her out after every drink, snack, play time, and when she wakes from naps. She won't want to pee in her "bedroom/crate" but will do it if he cannot hold her pee and has a real accident. (2) Get The Housebreaker. The Housebreaker is a safe and effective device that she wears when you are home. It is placed in a diaper and will alert you immediately as soon as she tries to have an accident. You can take her to the correct place to pee (outside). The alarm will tell the dog that she is doing something wrong so she will learn right away (it "catches" the dog trying to pee in your house but doesn't hurt her). The best part - the thing prevents the pee from getting on the floor so I could quit buying those crappy cleaners that didn't work. There was no more pee to clean up on the floor! It was awesome. I wish someone had told me abou it years ago (maybe it wasn't out yet). Either way - you should get it. It works! My friend used it on her brand new puppy and it worked so well she was fully potty trained within 1-2 days! Check it out. You can learn more about crate training at and more about The Housebreaker at http://www.TheHousebreaker.comGood luck!Take Care!