What treats can I give my 7 week old Labradoodle puppy ?

I'm picking up my little girl next weekend and have a 45 min car journey home. I would like to give her some treats in the car to try and make it a positive experience for her but everything I've looked at says from 8 weeks - any suggestions on what I…

    What treats can I give my 7 week old Labradoodle puppy ?

    I'm picking up my little girl next weekend and have a 45 min car journey home. I would like to give her some treats in the car to try and make it a positive experience for her but everything I've looked at says from 8 weeks - any suggestions on what I…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What treats can I give my 7 week old Labradoodle puppy ?...

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    • What treats can I give my 7 week old Labradoodle puppy ?

      What treats can I give my 7 week old Labradoodle puppy ? Dog Breed Discussions
      I'm picking up my little girl next weekend and have a 45 min car journey home. I would like to give her some treats in the car to try and make it a positive experience for her but everything I've looked at says from 8 weeks - any suggestions on what I could use. Also do you suggest a large cat box or just on a lap for the journey ?

      What treats can I give my 7 week old Labradoodle puppy ?

      What treats can I give my 7 week old Labradoodle puppy ? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Don't. Only STUPID IRRESPONSIBLE BACKYARD BREEDERS BREED MONGRELS AND TRY TO PASS THEM OFF AS A NEW BREED.I suggest don't even take the "journey". If you want am mongrel, go to a shelter. And also it is illegal to pick up or sell a dog under 8 weeks old. TRUTH>: http://hubpages.com/hub/The-truth-about-designer-mutts

    • It's too young to leave its mum.Between 8 - 10 weeks is best.That extra week with it's mum will make a big difference to the puppy.No food in the car and also labradoodle take a lot of exercise when grown.

    • No such thing as a Labradoodle. You are supporting BYB and Puppy Mills everytime you buy that, and they realease at 7 weeks old, illegal , and larger breeds need to stay til 10-12 weeks.

    • Two things not right on this one -7 weeks is too young to bring a puppy away from his siblings. 8 weeks is the minimum, and 10 weeks better. The weeks from weaning are very important and puppies are far better remaining in the nest for these extra weeks, to learn how to interact with their siblings, and to be established in their diet. The fact that you are finding no information about a puppy younger than 8 weeks should send you a message to be honest.Going on from a breeder who would allow a puppy to go home at 7 weeks, is a 'breeder' who produces these designer puppies. This is a fad, if you like, a scam, to encourage the gullible to part with their hard earned money. For what is, with respect, a mongrel - a mutt. This sort of mix breeding is not regulated, and for that reason alone should be avoided. Each puppy in every litter will be different. You won't know what you are getting in terms of size, coat, temperament, longevity/health. You'd be far far better to find a reputable breeder, with a proven track record for producing healthy stock, of either of the breeds that make up this 'doodle' puppy, than to buy into this scam.To answer your specific question - chances are the puppy will simply take a nap during the 45 minute journey. I have always used a crate - this is more secure for one thing. You can have a big box, with lots of bedding, but I'd not really recommend you hold it on your lap. Have somebody drive, and sit alongside the crate so you can reassure the puppy. 45 minutes isn't long in the scheme of things and it will be fine. Don't be tempted to let him/her out on the ground during the trip - puppies should not go off their properties until they have had all their vaccinations.

    • First and most important puppies should never leave there mum before 8 weeks old no god breeder would let you have it before 8 weeks old. Only bad breeders allow them to go before then and i would never recommnd getting a puppy from a bad breeder. . 7 weeks is far to early it may only be a week but this weeks is very important to the puppy . They learn alot of social skills from there mum and litter mates in there early life which if they are taking away to early can cause serious behaviour problems in later life. So leave the puppy wth it mum till 8 weeks. I wouldn't advice give her any treats on the way home in the car. It is normal for puppy's to get travel sick on the way home . They have alot of things happening to them all at once . they have been taken away from there mum and litter mates and the only home they have know. Are with strange people and maybe there first car journey. It is up to you if you chose for her to trasel in cat carrier or on your lap but i would advice you take several old blankets or towels , kitchen roll, baby wipes and a carrier bag just incase she is sick. But please for the sake of the puppy wait till 8 weeks before you pick her up.

    • Congrats on your new addition: ) I would use a box without a lid, filled with newspaper. The reason I say this is because a pup pees all the time and you don't want a 45 min car ride covered in pee. I would not give the pup treats in the car, it may make her sick. I picked my puppy up from an hour away and he slept all the way home (he's 3 now)We used a large carboard box with no lid. Make sure she gets water when you get home and put some puppy food down. Most pups don't eat right away they usually need to get used to the new environment. Make sure you don't make too much fuss of her it will be overwhelming. Just sit on the floor with her calmly and let her come to you. They do sell pup treats in pet stores but if you cant find any just get some pup dry meal and use a handful of that. Try to give your pup praise rather then food you want to keep the treats for training and toilet training. Toys are great to for bonding. Good luck with your pup.

    • It is really in your dog's best interest to stay with her mum and litter mates until at least 8 weeks old. Even though you really want to bring her home next weekend, please seriously consider waiting at least another week.As to treats, best not give anything on the car journey home. Many dogs get a bit car sick (perticularly at first when they are not used to riding in cars yet). Do her (and yourself) a favour and don't put anything in her tummy. Also, ask the breeder no to feed her for at least an hour before you pick her up.But, treats in general (after she gets home, etc.) I've noticed a lot of them say "over 4 months" so I too had some trouble finding something for my (10 week old) puppy. Mostly, I use regular puppy kibble (my dog loves his food). Also, when I need something extra special I use Wainwright's 100% chicken treats (it's just freeze dried chicken). As long as your not driving, I'd just have her on your lap for the ride home. Or take a blanket to put on the seat next to you. I took a box for my puppy, but I ended up not using it. He seemed to find it more comforting to be snuggled up against my leg.