When you first bought your puppy home how long did you stay home with it 24 hrs a day?

to litter train it etc?

    When you first bought your puppy home how long did you stay home with it 24 hrs a day?

    to litter train it etc?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : When you first bought your puppy home how long did you stay home with it 24 hrs a day?...

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    • When you first bought your puppy home how long did you stay home with it 24 hrs a day?

      When you first bought your puppy home how long did you stay home with it 24 hrs a day? Dog Breed Discussions
      to litter train it etc?

      When you first bought your puppy home how long did you stay home with it 24 hrs a day?

      When you first bought your puppy home how long did you stay home with it 24 hrs a day? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Well, you will need to invest a lot of time into your new puppy. Remember for the first couple of days he may be really nervous and wondering what is going on - he has just been taken from his mum and siblings. Certainly, you should not be leaving him for more than four hours at a stretch for some time - if you do, you will probably pay the price - if they are bored they tend to be destructive, chewing etc. Try and spend as much time with the pup as possible.

    • 2 weeks to begin with, but then my missus was at home with it whilst i was at work.if you puppy is to be at home alone try to get back at lunch to let them out and feed em etc...expect a mess until they get in to a routine, try to let them out before you go, when you get back at dinner and then straight after work, this way it will get them used to when they are supposed to go loo and also let them know you will be coming home so they dont feel too scared.we have had our puppy for like 4 mths now and she still very happy to see us in the morning when we let her out of the kitchen lol.

    • we always take the week off work to be with a new pup to settle them in, toilet training shouldn't take long, put them out regularly and give lots of praise if they wee or poo outside, if they are paper trained what we do is put paper by the back door in case they get caught short. puppies are usually eager to please and hate it when they get told off, just be consistent in your training and remember to reward the good behaviour and I'm sure you will have a house trained pup in no time.

    • have not been gone more than 4-6 hrs. i am a stay at home mom, so i am always there anyway... but outside potty training with no accidents took about 4 weeks.. all kinds of accidents the first week, then the second week was only urine. then after that it was only a few times first thing in the morning. till i trained her to come and get me .. she always wake me up between 7 - 7;30 am... every day.. being on a shedule has made it much easier..

    • when i first got my puppy i stayed at home for over a week because i also had a older dog - it takes a lot to puppy housebreak them because they need to go to the toilet as soon as they wake up and you are not always looking at them or you are sleeping when it happens you just got to carry on opening the door for them to go out and they soon learn - i feed mine in the morning and straight away they go to the toilet and the same thing at nightwww.lightningwolfdesigns.co.uk

    • Like any other responsible dog owner, I didn't get a puppy until I was home all day, every day. Difficult to remember how long it took to housetrain, but it depends on how much effort you put in to take it outside etc. And it depends on how quick the pup gets into the habit of waiting to go outside, or how long it takes you to recognise the signal that it needs to. Anything from 3 to 6 months is my best guess.