why does my chihuahua puppy whine when excited?

I come back from school or just a walk and when i go home, He's standing there shivering and spinning around and jumping, which is normal, but he whines intermittently, like a baby who's been crying. Are they supposed to do that?

    why does my chihuahua puppy whine when excited?

    I come back from school or just a walk and when i go home, He's standing there shivering and spinning around and jumping, which is normal, but he whines intermittently, like a baby who's been crying. Are they supposed to do that?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : why does my chihuahua puppy whine when excited?...

    • why does my chihuahua puppy whine when excited?

      why does my chihuahua puppy whine when excited? Dog Breed Discussions
      I come back from school or just a walk and when i go home, He's standing there shivering and spinning around and jumping, which is normal, but he whines intermittently, like a baby who's been crying. Are they supposed to do that?

      why does my chihuahua puppy whine when excited?

      why does my chihuahua puppy whine when excited? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I don't think you need to worry. It's just her way of being excited. Dogs all show their excitement a little bit differently, and some are vocal about it.The lab next door to us does these strange "half-howls" when the grandparents come to visit. He loves them to death. I have Dachshunds, which as a breed tend to be very vocal in general. One of my dogs has these funny sounding "excited barks" that are completely different from her ordinary barks or play barks. My other dog will sometimes whine a bit when exceptionally excited, but again, they sound nothing like her ordinary whines. They'll stand there wagging their tails and doing their excited "tap dance" with their front feet, and one will be doing these bizarre sounding barks, and one will be whining in a weird way. I'm sure it would seem pretty strange to someone who didn't know them!

    • Does he/she bark yet?I know that with other young creatures ( and don't laugh ) like ducks need to develope the sound. The ducklings on my nature reserve don't quack until they are a few months old.

    • Its okay. I have a Chihuahua/Poodle mix that does the same thing. When he gets excited he shakes and lifts his front feet alternating between the two looking like he is dancing (we call it his happy dance) and whines. He does this when we come home, get his leash, etc. We try to make him "Settle" before we pet him or put his harness on and it is helping a bit. I don't want him to completely stop I just don't want to encourage it and have him become stressed either. It is perfectly normal for dogs to become excited.