Tips for 3 hour journey with new 8 week old puppy ?

We're planning to stop on the way for 20 minutes so that the puppy can have some fresh air and go to the toilet. We'll also have a large fluffy throw over the seats for the puppy.But does anyone else have any tips to make it a happy and calm journey for…

    Tips for 3 hour journey with new 8 week old puppy ?

    We're planning to stop on the way for 20 minutes so that the puppy can have some fresh air and go to the toilet. We'll also have a large fluffy throw over the seats for the puppy.But does anyone else have any tips to make it a happy and calm journey for…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Tips for 3 hour journey with new 8 week old puppy ?...

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    • Tips for 3 hour journey with new 8 week old puppy ?

      Tips for 3 hour journey with new 8 week old puppy ? Dog Breed Discussions
      We're planning to stop on the way for 20 minutes so that the puppy can have some fresh air and go to the toilet. We'll also have a large fluffy throw over the seats for the puppy.But does anyone else have any tips to make it a happy and calm journey for her?Thank you!

      Tips for 3 hour journey with new 8 week old puppy ?

      Tips for 3 hour journey with new 8 week old puppy ? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I would turn off the radio, and just talk normally, let the puppy get used to your voices.Stroke her gently, lull her to sleep.Don't be overly friendly and in her face all the time since that is overwhelming.

    • Bring stuff to clean up (incase its sick)Dont feed it before hand. - Shes Less likely to be sickTry and get her to sleep before the journeyAvoid speed bumps and drive slower than usual.We had to collect our new puppy 2 weeks ago and he got really car sick. Some do, some dont. Good luck.

    • Personally i'd bring a travel crate! this way the pup has to stay put and not wander around the car. Safer for you and the pup! I'd bring some bottled water. A few towels in case the pup gets car sick or a roll of paper towels.I would not feed the pup any food on the journey home. Wate yes food no! If the pup does get car sick you dont want to have to clean up all the food the pup just ate! Bring someone with you! This way one person drives while the other looks after the pup! OK Hope this helps.

    • Do not feed the puppy for at least 4 hours prior to leaving. Most pups experience nausea when in a car. They tend to get over it by about 6 months of age. Definitely don't let him free drink - he may wind up peeing in the car. Let him drink before you leave and then when you stop. Take his favorite toy with you as well!

    • try not to stop anywhere else if youre not going to let her out. They get confused and cry for some time after. Take a bottle of water and a bowl so she can have water if you do stop. Give her a bone or a chew she can concentrate on so she doesnt get bored.:)

    • I wouldnt let the puppy on the floor when you stop, as it wont of had all its jags yet, and be immune to disease.When we brought mine home for the 2 hour drive she just slept on my knee.(good tip for what NOT to do - dont give it a chew meant for 9month+ doogs. combined with car sickness for the first half an hour it made quite a mess. although this may of been why she slept, so the choice is urs!!!)

    • How are you going to let the puppy go the toilet safely when it hasn't had it puppy injections to protect it. Are you taking training pad?Each pup is different, some travel better than others. If it's not fed, has distraction, water, blanket ect, then the rest in luck.

    • please try to keep the pup as stable as possible dont lets its head get shaken about to much as the car moves and make sure that it cant hit its head on anything as the car moves along this can cause problems

    • I encourage you to play with your dog before you leave so you will make it tired so it will not want to be active in the car. My dog loves to travel and has never got sick. We usually bring a laundry basket with a pee pad just in case she starts to whine and we are unable to stop immediately.

    • I travelled for six hours with my yorkie pup when I first got her, she was happy sitting on my knee and being cuddled or in a fluffy bed on the back seat asleep. (a bed would be better than a throw as the pup won't roll around as much and would feel more secure in a bed. You could also try a canvas crate if you are travelling alone with it.Please remember at 8 weeks the puppy won't know to go outside to wee and it may have an accident so take some wipes and kitchen roll just incase.We stopped regularly for a break, and let her have some fresh air although you can't put a new pup on the ground as it hasn't' had its injections yet.It was a good experience for my pup as she is great in the car now.Good Luck with your journey

    • ayou can buy travel car seats for puppies. \you could buy a carrier that is useful for vet visits also. If pup pees in it just have a spare blanket for it. It important hey feel safe and dont get thrown about. They willneed to comfy to sleep as most get car sick. A 12 weeks she started to travel on front seat with me on a cushion so she could see out and i kept the car ventilated, no smoking! I bought a car saftey harness for her to wear it attached to the seat belt and pup is able to turn around and stand, but would not fly out the window screen or get thrown to floor if you had to break hard.Have some water handy and you'll have to moniter pup on sickness as to whether you decide to feed her during your break. As for toilet, pup should not be on ground yet till all jabs are done. If you're toilet training using paper or pup training pads with scent on i'd suggest taking pad for pup to pee on as at this early stage this is where they are learning to pee. If you have someone who can hold pup snug in a blaket while you travel then great and just put a towel on lap in case of pees or vomit!