How will my 2 cats react if we bring a dog into the home?

I have 2 cats the female is 2 years old and the male is about 7 months old. When i got my second cat the older one wouldnt have anything to do with me. Now she fine and both cats get on. We have now decided that we would like a dog, but i am unsure how…

    How will my 2 cats react if we bring a dog into the home?

    I have 2 cats the female is 2 years old and the male is about 7 months old. When i got my second cat the older one wouldnt have anything to do with me. Now she fine and both cats get on. We have now decided that we would like a dog, but i am unsure how…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How will my 2 cats react if we bring a dog into the home?...

    • How will my 2 cats react if we bring a dog into the home?

      How will my 2 cats react if we bring a dog into the home? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have 2 cats the female is 2 years old and the male is about 7 months old. When i got my second cat the older one wouldnt have anything to do with me. Now she fine and both cats get on. We have now decided that we would like a dog, but i am unsure how my cats would react i.e leave home?I was thinking of a puppy?Thanks guys

      How will my 2 cats react if we bring a dog into the home?

      How will my 2 cats react if we bring a dog into the home? Dog Breed Discussions
    • If your getting a puppy, then that would probably be the best option as they will grow together, the puppy wont react badly when he/she is older.however if it's an older dog, it could be risky.Either way it's going to take a lil time for them to get used to each other anyway, just like the cat had to get used to the other cat.

    • Arched backs, hair on end, hissing, then running away, I imagine! Seriously, though, we've successfully introduced a dog into our home where a cat was already in residence, and the cat got used to the dog pretty quickly. We did, however, carefully choose a quiet adult dog (from a rescue centre) who was already used to cats and proven to be gentle with them.

    • all cats hate dogs but only becuase they are thretaning if you have a little puppy that doesnt want anything to do with the cats then they should be fine.

    • i depends what type of cat you have.if your cat is a quiet calm cat it will freak out and leaving home is a possibility but if your cat is active and fun it will want to play with the dog or mabye fight with the dog.Just be carefull because if one cat runs away its likely the other cat will follow.Good Luck!

    • Choose either a puppy of a breed that's not known for high prey drive or a calm, adult dog who has already lived successfully with cats to make this transition most easily. Cats and dogs will usually learn to get along if they're introduced slowly and patiently, and if the dog isn't the sort who likes to chase or kill small, fast-moving creatures. Here's an article from the ASPCA's Virtual Pet Behaviorist on how to introduce cats to a new dog properly:

    • They will not greet the dog with open arms/paws!They will hiss, growl, swat, and hide for awhile. They will hate you too for bringing in a new pet! But they will get over it.IMO I'd opt for an adult dog that is used to cats and has been trained in obedience. Puppies take a lot of training and they will jump, bark and scare the cats a lot more then a trained adult dog.