Can I get a puppy even though I work part time?

We fell in love with a puppy at the shelter that we volunteer at but we work 4 days a week from 7-3 is it too long to leave a pulpy on its own. We know how to train a dog and all the responsibilities we are animal people. We do have one cat who Is sick…

    Can I get a puppy even though I work part time?

    We fell in love with a puppy at the shelter that we volunteer at but we work 4 days a week from 7-3 is it too long to leave a pulpy on its own. We know how to train a dog and all the responsibilities we are animal people. We do have one cat who Is sick…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can I get a puppy even though I work part time?...

    • Can I get a puppy even though I work part time?

      Can I get a puppy even though I work part time? Dog Breed Discussions
      We fell in love with a puppy at the shelter that we volunteer at but we work 4 days a week from 7-3 is it too long to leave a pulpy on its own. We know how to train a dog and all the responsibilities we are animal people. We do have one cat who Is sick and has been for four years. We give her shots everyday for kidney fluids. Will a puppy disturb her health. During the day we were thinking of leaving the puppy in the kitchen until she gets olde. And getting a dog door for our fenced yard. Is that too long of a time to leave a puppy?

      Can I get a puppy even though I work part time?

      Can I get a puppy even though I work part time? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Most people who have dog companions work. With attention and exersize when you are home, a dog can be perfectly happy with a working family. Just be sure to have a safe, contained area for him or her, until he or she is older and trained. It is a good point, though, to consider the effect a new puppy might have on your sick cat. Maybe consider a trial fostering situation to see how she takes it?

    • 7-3 is 8 hours. Can you wait all day without using the bathroom? No? A puppy can't either. They need to be taken out VERY frequently at first.Puppies like to chase cats. Will you monitor the puppy 24/7 so that he does not stress the cat out? If not, don't bring another pet into the home.

    • What's your income like? Can you even afford to take care of a dog? Food, toys, vet bills, extra put away just in case, ect. Getting a dog fixed is expensive, especially if the dog needs all of it's shots. Eight hours is a long time to leave a puppy at home alone. Is there anyone that could take care of her during the day for you? Even just to let her outside and give her company for a little while?Just because you like the puppy at your shelter doesn't mean you should get it. Trust me, you'll come across a lot of animals you fall in love with at first sight, but unfortunately, you can't take them all home. I'm sure he'll go to a good home, neverless. I highly suggest waiting until your ready to take on a new addition to your family instead of just jumping in right away. The last thing you want to do is be selfish.Edit- Missed the part about your cat the first time I read it. Yes, a new addition to your family like a hyper puppy will most likely disturb her health. It would be incredibly stressful for her, and from what you just said, stress is something she doesn't need. Please don't be selfish and jump into something just because you think you can. You don't sound ready to handle a dog in your current situation, please wait until you at least get a stable job that pays well. Hope you make the right decision! Remember, you're already doing a lot of good volunteering at the shelter, think about all the happy animals you take care of!

    • You could but it would be very hard. I would suggest getting a full grown dog so you don't have to train it as much and you can just leave he/she inside the house without really worrying. Puppy's are harder if you have a job but full-grown dogs are better if you have a job and they can still be fun to have.

    • I would go ahead and get the doggie door installed before getting the puppy. This way he/she can go outside as needed. The trick is to have the doggie door in a door that belongs to a room that you can "puppy" proof as they will have accidents until they are trained. Leaving a puppy or an adult dog that long is not wise unless you want to be cleaning up poop every day. As you already know, dogs/puppies need consistency in their lives and the ability to get outside as needed.

    • Yes you can have a puppy while part-time, what you can do his give him lots of toys to play with plus those treat toys. Plus make sure that everything it put him out of the dogs reach. And what you can do his take the dog for a walk so he toilets. When you have come back from home and the puppy has dirty then say bad dog, what is that. Then after a while the dog will know not to dirty in the house, but this will take while, depending on how intelligant the breed you get, because some breeds take a but longer then other breeds.