How do I convince my mum to get a dog from the shelter?

I thought about buying a dog if a waste of lots of money so I thought of getting one from a Shelter!But she says it might be diseased and It will die soon.But I need to convince her!Im sure we can take a normal dog!

    How do I convince my mum to get a dog from the shelter?

    I thought about buying a dog if a waste of lots of money so I thought of getting one from a Shelter!But she says it might be diseased and It will die soon.But I need to convince her!Im sure we can take a normal dog!...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do I convince my mum to get a dog from the shelter?...

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    • How do I convince my mum to get a dog from the shelter?

      How do I convince my mum to get a dog from the shelter? Dog Breed Discussions
      I thought about buying a dog if a waste of lots of money so I thought of getting one from a Shelter!But she says it might be diseased and It will die soon.But I need to convince her!Im sure we can take a normal dog!

      How do I convince my mum to get a dog from the shelter?

      How do I convince my mum to get a dog from the shelter? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I do not know where she gets the idea that shelter dogs are diseased.Look on Petfinder and show her some of the wonderful and HEALTHY young dogs available for adoption.Educate her about the shelter/rescues and how a good one vet-checks all their animals and will never knowingly adopt out a sick animal...

    • try to show her some details about the dog you are talking about. Maybe ask the expert from the shelter to give her some facrts that is will be just okay

    • No your mum does have a point my mum gets dogs from shelters and half of them die within a month. And anything they develop soon after leaving the shelter wont be covered on insurance and will cost your mum loads..

    • Sure any dog comes with a risk even one from a reputable breeder. Most breeders will stand by there puppies and offer a two year health guarantee. Where shelter you can get a healthy dog but you don't know the dogs background and behaviour problems fully and they only provide short term guarantees on there dogs. I understand her concern and yes its always good to adopt since shelters are full but some just rather just have that security and buy from a breeder. Both has its ups and downs but in the end its peace of mind getting a happy and healthy dog.

    • You can never convince a person of anything. They have to come to the conclusion on their own.However, I have had three dogs from rescue organizations or shelters and all of them lived to at least 12. Shelters and rescue organizations have vets who check out their animals before they put them up for adoption. Unless you are dealing with a breeder that you personally know and trust, then you are more likely to get a sick animal from a pet store. Many times their dogs come from poorly run and/or illegal "puppy mills" that keep pumping out dogs without any sense of the health of the parents, the puppies, or even keeping related dogs from inbreeding.Before you decide on a dog, talk to your vet about a place he or she would recommend you deal with. I'm willing to bet that they recommend a shelter or a rescue organization.

    • Why are you concerned about the money involved in buying a dog. The purchase price is the least of the expenses in caring properly for a dog. It's her money and she has the liberty to spend her money as she wishes. Maybe she wants a pure bred papered dog.I have both pedigree dogs and rescue dogs from the pound. My rescues have had health problems, one is going through a health crisis at the moment...but then so have my pedigree dogs had health problems. I recently lost a young one to cancer.I rescue elderly dogs so I expect that there will be vet costs involved.If your mother isn't fussed about a papered pure bred dog then I agree that rescue is the way to go. Tell her she will be saving a life. You might also tell her that shelters do not put diseased dogs up for adoption.

    • if u get 1 from the shelter u will still have to pay a small fee 50 to 100 bucks much cheaper than getting 1 from a private breeder. a dog coming from the pound will more than likely b tested for diseases, have its shots and be fixed. its more likely that a dog coming from a private breeder to be diseased or develop one. another plus of a pound dog is they will test the dog in forms like can u take its food away w/o getting bit, is it good with other dogs/cats, and will it runaway. puppies r cute but if u adopt a dog 1 year old you still have many years and ur saving a dog from another day bhind bars.

    • Most shelter dogs aren't 'diseased' they have just been mistreated or too much too handle. There are plenty of young dogs in shelters. You should tell her how much a puppy is...You need to show her what these shelter dogs have been through, they have been abandoned by their owners (mistreated or just been put there because of certain reasons) they need someone to love them and even if you can love a puppy and i will be much more rewarding to love a dog that's been loved and lost hope. Take her to the shelter?

    • This is another common myth.One of the best places to get a dog is from a reputable rescue. They do NOT simly get dogs in and put them straight up for adoption. The dogs will be vet checked, wormed, treated for fleas and fully vaccinated. If they are sick in any way they will receive proper vet care, and are not put up for adoption until they are back to full health and no longer on any medication.Most rsecues also neuter and microchip dogs before adoting them out. They also do a behavioural assessment. This ensures they can match up their dogs to the right homes - so they test how the dog behaves around children, cats etc, see if they know any basic commands, walk nicely on a leash, show any aggression etc.With ANY dog, from ANY place (breeder or rescue) there is a risk of the dog having a hereditary disorder. But the pups suffering from other types of illness are most frequently those from pet stores or commercial kennels, back-yard breeders or puppy farms.Perhaps you need to get your mom to consder this:Many breeders, and ALL puppy farms and pet stores etc care about one thing and one thing only - money! They want to produce as many pups as they can, as cheaply as they can, and make as much profit as they can. To keep their profit margins up they cut corners - whether that is not bothering to do the right health tests on their breeding dogs or pups, or giving poor care / diet, or simply having too many dogs ni one place which combined with poor hygiene leads to fast spread of disease.Rescues exist for one reason only - to HELP dogs. They do not want animals to suffer or die, or for adopted dogs to be returned because it doesn't work out. The wefare (and therefore the health) of the dogs is paramount.Some rescues do adopt out very elderly dogs or dogs with long term health problems as "permanent fosters". This usually means the dogs are adopted permanently, but the rescue continues to pay for their vet care. No decent rescue will rehome you a dog that has not been health checked, or that is known to be sick without telling you.

    • Sheltered dogs, esp. mutt breeds are stronger than pedigreed dogs. They have stronger immunity in comparison to pedigreed dogs which may have developed weak traits from years of inbreeding.Not only will you be saving a dog's life. Dogs from shelters will tend to be more loyal & appreciative to their new owners because they don't want to be abandoned again. Good luck with your mom.