dog owners i have a questions about getting a puppy from a shelter?

I am currently doing some research about getting a dog and yes i know its my hundred questions regarding dogs and puppies. Its just that my question is does the shelter get my dog or puppy neutered or do i have to go to the vets and get it done. Also is…

    dog owners i have a questions about getting a puppy from a shelter?

    I am currently doing some research about getting a dog and yes i know its my hundred questions regarding dogs and puppies. Its just that my question is does the shelter get my dog or puppy neutered or do i have to go to the vets and get it done. Also is…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : dog owners i have a questions about getting a puppy from a shelter?...

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    • Nice to see someone with so much fore thought before getting a dog :D. I have a blog that will guide you through getting a pup and its first nights and training. See see if you are ready for a dog and general info a pup out of a litter and breeder tips him/her home (getting your house ready) avoid the crying at night ever important housetraining!

    • If you want a puppy, then the shelter will not neuter him, as they can only be neutered or spayed after they are six months old. Some shelters would give you a voucher for your vet though to get him neutered when he's old enough (whether you should accept that, seeing that shelters always have money trouble is a different question). If you get an older dog they will be neutered,as the shelters do that with every dog they receive.With most breeds there is nt much character difference between boys or girls; I personally have a boy at the moment, but I used to have a girl. Not much difference there, you can get what you want.