What would a cross between a lakeland terrier and a yorkshire terrier look like?

I am getting a puppy soon, and saw an ad for a lakeland and yorkie cross, and I was just wondering if anyone knows what it would look like? Large dogs are a big big nono for me as I live in an apartment, so I would like to know the size too.

    What would a cross between a lakeland terrier and a yorkshire terrier look like?

    I am getting a puppy soon, and saw an ad for a lakeland and yorkie cross, and I was just wondering if anyone knows what it would look like? Large dogs are a big big nono for me as I live in an apartment, so I would like to know the size too....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What would a cross between a lakeland terrier and a yorkshire terrier look like?...

    • What would a cross between a lakeland terrier and a yorkshire terrier look like?

      What would a cross between a lakeland terrier and a yorkshire terrier look like? Dog Breed Discussions
      I am getting a puppy soon, and saw an ad for a lakeland and yorkie cross, and I was just wondering if anyone knows what it would look like? Large dogs are a big big nono for me as I live in an apartment, so I would like to know the size too.

      What would a cross between a lakeland terrier and a yorkshire terrier look like?

      What would a cross between a lakeland terrier and a yorkshire terrier look like? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I have a lakeland cross patterdale and he is a lovely looking dog but most crossed dogs with lakeland in them are so naughty just be warned. Yours will be about the same size as mind I suspect about 17 inches high. He wrecks everything so think long and hard about it.

    • It may be the size of a Lakeland (no more than 14 1/2 ins) or it may be the size of a Yorkie (weighing less than 7lbs) Probably midway between these sizes but that's the problem with mixed breeds, you can't tell! It will look like a very strange Terrier who will need stripping fairly often.

    • well i hope those puppies were an accidental mix. i couldnt find a pic of that mix but i did find lovely pics of the breeds individually. (i cant imagine WHY anyone would want to breed these two dogs together!)lakeland terrier-http://image.wetpaint.com/wiki/Lakeland+Terrier/image/36xqvbQPMQhK$VV8wO+$Jiw==52427/GW135H135yorkshire terrier-http://www.5stardog.com/gallery/images/Yorkshire%20Terrier/796612347594.JPGto be honest....why not check out your local SPCA or animal shelter? they have small dogs, adult dogs....so you dont have to worry about it taking so long to potty train. some dogs that are in the SPCA are fostered in ppls homes. that's what i do! we potty train the dog, socilaize the dog, and get an idea of it's personality and what family the dog would be best suited for. plus when you get a dog at the SPCA or animal shelther they have already had all their shots, and will be spayed or neutered.One of my dogs, a chihuahua Dachshund cross (Peggy Sue) i adopted from my local Kill-shelter....i saved her life and got a fantastic dog. AND when she was sent to the vet for a spay they Xrayed her and sure enough, she was already spayed. i only had to pay the cost of her shots to adopt her...a whopping 4 bucks!! she's a sweetheart too, everyone tells me they want to take her home w/them.go check out your local shelter...you might be surprised how many great little dogs you can find there. ppl throw away GREAT dogs all the time...it's a shame.wow a thumbs down for suggesting you save a homeless dogs life! and Glow...you're just as bad. i dont think i've ever seen anyone with their lips so firmly planted on someone elses butt in my life!

    • Hiya, I think this mix will look adourable. Yorkies and Lakeland terriers are both very beautiful, elegant dogs.Go and see the the parents and if both are an attractive couple (which I'm sure they will be) then I'm sure the puppies will be absolutely gorgeous. I really like dogs that are different to the everyday common dogs such as labs, staffs and border collies. Its nice to have a different breed.As for that moron MATURE, what a pr!ck. I bet he is pig ugly and owns a dog that is purley for image only. MATURE if you didn't have anything nice to this persons question, then why the hell did you bother replying. D!ck head.

    • I just had to rehome my lakeland cross after three years of absolute hell! Be warned they can be completely mental. And... just because you live in an apartment doesn't mean it's suitable for a small dog. Lakies are HUGELY energetic and will probably not like your flat very much at all. Ours had a big house, a big garden, long runs in the country every day, and we couldn't wear him out. We've had to give him to the gamekeeper so he can run for 9 hours a day on a 6000 acre estate. So, my advice is go for temperament rather than size.