Can I take my litter of puppies out into the back yard after getting their first set of vaccines?

I have a litter of lab mix puppies who are 6 weeks old. They just got their first set of shots. They've been cooped up in the house until now. It would be nice to introduce them to the back yard. I don't plan on taking them for walks outside of our…

    Can I take my litter of puppies out into the back yard after getting their first set of vaccines?

    I have a litter of lab mix puppies who are 6 weeks old. They just got their first set of shots. They've been cooped up in the house until now. It would be nice to introduce them to the back yard. I don't plan on taking them for walks outside of our…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can I take my litter of puppies out into the back yard after getting their first set of vaccines?...

    • Can I take my litter of puppies out into the back yard after getting their first set of vaccines?

      Can I take my litter of puppies out into the back yard after getting their first set of vaccines? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a litter of lab mix puppies who are 6 weeks old. They just got their first set of shots. They've been cooped up in the house until now. It would be nice to introduce them to the back yard. I don't plan on taking them for walks outside of our property just yet....

      Can I take my litter of puppies out into the back yard after getting their first set of vaccines?

      Can I take my litter of puppies out into the back yard after getting their first set of vaccines? Dog Breed Discussions
    • If you are in the UK, I'm surprised they have been given a set of shots at 6 weeks. This is normally only done if they didn't receive mum's first milk, colostrum, or perhaps if mum's boosters were not up to date before she was mated. Fact is, normally the immunity from mum lasts until around 5 weeks, after which it gradually drops until it's felt normally puppies are ready to receive their first set of vaccination, at around 8 weeks. External vaccination won't take if puppies are given this too soon. In other words, it's a waste of time. But no doubt you vet did this, for a good reason.Having said that, provided your back garden is fully fenced and you know there have been no strange animals out there, nor was there any chance of a dog with Parvo being on your property within the past year, then by all means get these babies out there. Some sunshine on their backs always is good, but just be aware they shouldn't be out there other than on the warmest of days, and not for too long. I'd also have them in some sort of pen (an ex-pen would be ideal) so they don't get into plants etc. that could harm them. And I'd not leave them unsupervised out there.Add - It seems 6 week vaccination is done far more often outside the UK??

    • Is your backyard accessible to other dogs that could spread any diseases like parvo? If it is not, there is no reason why you can put the puppies outside. Make sure that there is someone outside with them to supervise them.Good luckITK

    • I always let my puppies into the garden prior to having their vaccinations. No other dogs have been in my garden, so there's no reason the pups can't visit the garden, play, and then go back inside.Unless other dogs get onto your property, there's no reason you can't let unvaccinated pups into the garden.

    • yes its perfectly safe for your puppies to go in your back garden, as you would want to start training them to go outside for a toilet. you can let them outside as long as they aren't around other dog doo's lol that you dont know i.e you can let them out with your other dogs if you have any.

    • Yes as long as the only dogs that have been out there are fully vaccinated. And for goodness sakes, spay your girl. Lab mutts are a dime a dozen in shelters. NO need to make more.