how to know if my dog got her first monthly bleeding?

i have a pet, a 12 months old female shih tzu. how could i know if she got her first monthly period? so i could know when the best time for her to mate. i want her to have a cute and cuddly puppies, i want to know what kind of shih tzu stud should i…

    how to know if my dog got her first monthly bleeding?

    i have a pet, a 12 months old female shih tzu. how could i know if she got her first monthly period? so i could know when the best time for her to mate. i want her to have a cute and cuddly puppies, i want to know what kind of shih tzu stud should i…...
    General Dog Discussions : how to know if my dog got her first monthly bleeding?...

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    • how to know if my dog got her first monthly bleeding?

      how to know if my dog got her first monthly bleeding? General Dog Discussions
      i have a pet, a 12 months old female shih tzu. how could i know if she got her first monthly period? so i could know when the best time for her to mate. i want her to have a cute and cuddly puppies, i want to know what kind of shih tzu stud should i find. i really need professional help in these. thanks!

      how to know if my dog got her first monthly bleeding?

      how to know if my dog got her first monthly bleeding? General Dog Discussions
    • If you aren't knowledgeable enough to know that dogs don't get MONTHLY bleedings, then you probably should not try to breed her. Have her spayed instead. There are enough "cute and cuddly puppies" in shelters, just waiting for homes. Enjoy your cute and cuddly adult.Dogs come into heat (estrus) about 2 or 3 times a year, BTW. You'll probably see blood spots throughout the house, wherever she has sat, if she's in heat.Spay her-- you'll save yourself, and her, a LOT of problems. A cute litter of puppies just isn't worth all the hassles and risks to her and to them if you aren't a professional breeder.

    • Im sorry- but- it is because of people like who who want "cudly puppies" that 40,00 dogs are being put to sleep each year. You are not going to keep all those puppies-- and you dont know the outcome of their life-- please- get that dog spayed!! Anyhow- dogs do not get monthly menstruals like humans. THey get it about once or twice a year. You will see blood -like urine- but in red- around the house. At that time, you should buy the pads they have for female dogs. Please- I beg you- save an animal in the pound that will die because no one wants them, or donate $$ or something- but do not bring 7-8 MORe pups in this world. Do some research.. and save some lives.

    • dogs are in heat about 3 weeks. One week going into , one week in(with bleeding) and best time to breed, and one going out. Don't breed your dog unless you are able to take care of the mother before,during and after pregnancy.It takes ALOT of work to take care of her and the pups and to keep them healthy. Have you done any type of reading on this or do you just think you want "cute puppies"???????????? Talk to your vet for advice if you think you JUST HAVE to do this