How to put husband off getting a dog?

First off, I'm nervous about dogs, and he insists I will get used to them if we get a puppy.Secondly, we work full time, the both of us.We live in rented accomodation with two cats.I'm at my wits end trying to get him to see reason. I've went on…

    How to put husband off getting a dog?

    First off, I'm nervous about dogs, and he insists I will get used to them if we get a puppy.Secondly, we work full time, the both of us.We live in rented accomodation with two cats.I'm at my wits end trying to get him to see reason. I've went on…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to put husband off getting a dog?...

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    • How to put husband off getting a dog?

      How to put husband off getting a dog? General Dog Discussions
      First off, I'm nervous about dogs, and he insists I will get used to them if we get a puppy.Secondly, we work full time, the both of us.We live in rented accomodation with two cats.I'm at my wits end trying to get him to see reason. I've went on countless websites. I've told him about the hundreds of dogs in shelters because people didn't think it through.He honestly believes a puppy can be trained to "keep it in" for 7+ hours.Help!!

      How to put husband off getting a dog?

      How to put husband off getting a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • I reccomend dogs,get an older dog who is trained.I dont like cats, they are sneaky, ugly, smelly, and destory everythingEditDogs are in the shelter because there owners are moving, the dog dosent get along with their other dog, the dog was taken away, the dog is too expince because of medical problems, and they are lost.

    • You have a bad situation for a dog. Dogs need yards to run around in. Keeping a dog locked up in the house for 7+hours will only lead to mental and physical health problems.

    • keep taking a dump at the bottom of the stairs for him to clean up he will change his mind or tell you to clean it up if thats the case at least you will know your roll with the dog

    • thats wot my mum wanted. but its creul because a puppy need constant attention and some dogs can never be left alone.. just tell him that they poo alot and WILL wreck alot of things. they will rip things on the floor and start destroying things if u leave them home.. they could turn agressive if u leave them for that long because they wouldnt be used to human cuntact.. tell him to really think about it and yo see all the down sides.. im sure if u asked ur local petshop or vets they would tell u thats its a really really bad idea to leave it for that long. hope ive helped abit.. also if ur nervous of dogs a puppy will be worse because they have so much energy they jump around everywhere

    • Why don't you get a Dog from a shelter instead of a dog. Take a lot of time to think about it, but if he really is a dog person and loves dogs he is going to want one. just tell him to wait until you have more time for a dog or are willing to get a dog walker during the day when you are at work.

    • Remind him that dog is MUCH bigger commitment than a cat, as a dog has to be taken walkies in all weathers!! puppies can be very destructive and will chew anything (like expensive shoes!). puppies can't "HOLD IT IN" they will just widdle and poop anywhere, coz when you got to go, you gotta go!!and there is also the issue of cats and dogs getting on, if your cats are not used to a dog they might not take kindly to the new arrival.

    • A puppy is NO good for your 7 hours home alone. puppys can only hold theur bladders for every month they are born.1 month=1 hours.2months=2.3 months =3and ect.That is unfair to a puppy and to me is just cruel. Espeacially if you 9for some stupid reason) dont like puppies or dogs.

    • I work with a humane society and one of the main things we emphasize is that all members of a household should want a dog. If one doesn't, then they should not do it.Your accommodations should not matter unless your landlord prohibits pets and you get the size dog that fits your home. However, no small puppy can hold it for 7 hours and no small puppy should be left unsupervised with two grown cats until you are sure all 3 get along. So your husband is off-base on that part.However, I suspect your apprehension is the biggest issue. Your husband loves dogs and I think you should work to get past that apprehension. Now may not be the right time to get a dog but in the future the time might be right and if I were you, I'd take steps to get past your fear. Dogs are wonderful animals and you really have no reason to be apprehensive.

    • Well...I can't really help you because I am on your husband's side. But because you have thought about it very very much I would say that you will care for the dog because you are so concerned about making the correct desicion. It kind of sounds like you are afraid of dogs...just a little bit, maybe something happened to you when you were a kid. Regardless perhaps a small, cat sized dog wouldn't be bad for you guys. First of all it's messes are small and easier to clean than perhaps a german shepards and second of all if you get a dog as a puppy and accomidate it to your guys' schedule it will learn to hold it 7 hours. I'm at school 7 to 5 and mom's at work 5 to 3 and we don't get home until 6 most days and our dogs are fine and still love us.But perhaps your relationship isn't quite ready for another addition to the family. It sounds like you really need to have a long, rational talk with your hubbie. And try to stay open minded and remember that small dogs are about as easy to take care of as cats (as far as messes do go). You could even train it to a litter box is you get a bit ambitious.Good luck!

    • Yes a dog can hold it for six/seven hours, it is just not possible when they are puppies, and not very good for them. Plus, you are renting and any damage the puppy causes could get you kicked out, plus are dogs allowed in your lease? Working long hours is not fair to the dog. What does your husband do when he gets home from work? What about getting up before work? With a dog that is to be left alone all day, she’ll need a morning and evening walk, and if you don’t take him for his walks, you can’t be mad when he has an accident in the house, or chews up something because she had too much extra energy. Have your husband get up early and walk a half mile every morning, 7 days a week, and do the same every night after dinner for two or three months before you think about adding a dog to your life.As far as you getting more comfortable with dogs. Don’t just add a puppy to your life. You’ll still be nervous and not bond properly. Visit some friends that have dogs and make an effort to spend some time with them. Go to a dog park and talk with other dog parents and play with their dogs. You’ll know when you are ready to add a puppy or a dog to your family.

    • No puppy on earth can "keep it in" for 7 hours, and your husband is very silly if he believes that! Do not use a crate to house train a puppy, they're cruel and inhumane.Given your home situation a dog is not suitable for your lifestyle unless you know someone who can pop in two or three times a day to take the dog out or let it into the garden while you are at work. Your husband is being very selfish about wanting a dog, not least because you obviously have a fear of them. Have you thought about asking him to speak to the RSPCA for advice? Because straight away they will tell him you're not suitable dog owners due to your work commitments. Don't let him bully you into getting a dog. They demand attention and commitment. They're not possessions to be picked up and used when you feel like it, they're living sentient creatures which need companionship.If your husband is determined to get a dog ask him to wait until he's retired!!!

    • im with you on this one. but i dont think he is going to see reason. he as got it in his head its like having cats and its not. take him along to the vets they might help him to see reason.

    • A puppy can be trained to hold it for 7+ hours. I potty trained my dog in 5-7 days when he was 3 months old, and he has held it for 48 hours. Literally, he hates the rain, and we've been having a lot of rain lately, so he just holds it in until the rain stops. If you get a puppy, you will get used to dogs, and the dog can and will hold it for 7+ hours. Get a crate and crate train the dog. Also, the only reason not to get a dog is if you can't afford it and give it excercise.

    • You are right, and so was I when my fella wanted one! We got it against my better judgement and we had to end up finding a new home for it which was sad! It got bored being cooped up and chewed absolutely everything! I came home one day to all the stuffing out of the sofas! I dont know what you can do! Try saying that if he wants a dog you want a kid/ another kid! That should put him off! Sorry I wasnt of much help!

    • Well tell your husband a puppy pees about every two minutes when they first see you which would be a problem. They also kant hold it for seven hours, unless they are around a year and a half old. Also living in rented accomodations with dogs is a very stupid idea because it literally sucks the life out of the dog. They need space and lots of it. You wouldnt be able to work full time unless you would like to be evicted for puppy pee dripping through the floor. The cats would be ok except they wouuld be timid. They would try to stay away from the dog. The puppy should get used to the cats though but it will try and play with them and might hurt them becuz puppies can be very rough. IF YOU ABSOLUTLY NEED TO GET A DOG, get an older one thats been abandonned. Old dogs like being near people and other animals. Just make sure it has been near cats or you will have a problem. BUT I SINCERELY AGREE WITH YOU. Puppies cant hold it for ten minutes, leastt of alll seven hours. You also need to train them which is a long process. Puppies will also run out the door when you leave so definitly not a good idea. ANYWAYS TO SUM IT ALL UP DO NOT GET A PUPPY BECAUSE THE PUPPY WOULD GO INSANE AND END UP DEAD. RENTED SPACE, FULL TIME JOBS + PUPPY = TERRORALSO BABY_7990 OR WATEVER HOLDING IT FOR 48 CAN SERIOUSLY HURT YOUR DOG(s) DONT LET THAT HAPPEN IT WILL GET VERY VERY SICK. PUPPIES DONT HOLD IT FOR 7+ HOURS UNTIL ABOUT A YEAR.