What is the difference of a wolf and a husky?

What is the difference of a gray wolf and a Alaskan husky?

    What is the difference of a wolf and a husky?

    What is the difference of a gray wolf and a Alaskan husky?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What is the difference of a wolf and a husky?...

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    • What is the difference of a wolf and a husky?

      What is the difference of a wolf and a husky? Dog Breed Discussions
      What is the difference of a gray wolf and a Alaskan husky?

      What is the difference of a wolf and a husky?

      What is the difference of a wolf and a husky? Dog Breed Discussions
    • One is a domestic animal, one is a wild animal, they have different personalities and different social habits. Wolves are not meant to be kept in captivity they are much more aloof and have different needs than a dog also.

    • A Grey Wolf is a wild animal - Canis Lupus. The Alaskan Husky is not so much a breed of dog as it is a type or a category. It falls short of being a breed in that there is no preferred type and no restriction as to ancestry; it is defined only by its purpose, which is that of a highly efficient sled dog. It is a domesticated animal, a dog - Canis Lupus Familiaris. Its current listing is as a sub species of a Wolf however this is a highly contested area and far from being decided conclusively.If you were actually referring to the Alaskan Malamute or the Siberian Husky then the answer is basically the same. They are domesticated breeds of dog, they are not wild.Dogs have been selectively bred for millenia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes. For a husky, these skills are strength, endurance, trainability, initiative and willingness to pull. Wolves are wild animals, they have not been selectively bred by humans for specific traits. Wolves CAN be tamed but this is not the same thing.

    • Purebred Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies are not wolves, or part-wolves, were not bred from wolves, and these breeds were not developed by breeding to wolves anytime recently (that is a separate animal called a wolf-dog). Based on studies by Dr. Robert Wayne at UC Berkeley, sled dogs are no more closely related to wolves than Chihuahuas. There is very little genetic difference between any dog and any wolf, coyote, or jackal, etc., so little, in fact, that genetic tests cannot tell how much wolf is in deliberately bred wolf-dogs. The domesticated canines and their wild cousins CAN interbreed. However, pedigrees on Malamutes and Siberians are available back ~20 generations (to the early 1930s at least) and these dogs are not wolf crosses -- Malamutes are Malamutes, Siberians are SiberiansThe definition of Phenotype is "the genetically and environmentally determined physical appearance of an organism." In other words, (the parents and) the conditions create the appearance.Malamutes & Siberians LOOK like wolves, and in certain instances, ACT like wolves, because:All dogs and wolves descended from a common ancestor (or primitive version of the wolf, the debate rages); and,The phenotype of the Northern Breeds is the best solution to the problem of the Arctic weather and conditions. The Northern breeds did not evolve MUCH past that phenotype, as other breeds have because most variations to the phenotype would be killed off. A boxer would not survive because he wasn't built for the situation.The phenotype for Northern Breeds describes what works in the Arctic:Thick, waterproof, double coat;Bushy tail he can curl around his nose to warm his breath while sleeping;Long nose to warm the air before it reaches his lungs;Moderate stop to create nasal passages which further warm the air before it is drawn into the lungs;A seasonal oil deposit under his eyebrows which moves when he shakes his head and helps to shake off accumulated snow;Thickly furred, prick ears to prevent frostbite;Long legs to get through accumulated snow;Pain tolerance;Stubbornness and an independent streak a mile wide;Ability to think for himself in order to survive in a hostile environment;Pack mentality that helps hunting & pulling (i.e. community survival);Friendliness to strangers (lack of guarding instinct) in a nomadic community where people come and go frequently;Howls, to communicate across large distances with the rest of the pack/family; andAlmond shaped, obliquely shaped eyes to keep them from freezing in the cold wind.So any Northern Breed that did NOT have these specific characteristics would have a harder time surviving in the Arctic, whether it was a wolf or a dog.Manipulation of the phenotype is nothing new for the domesticated dog breeds. We have manipulated every breed of dog for desired results.Golden Retrievers were bred to retrieve, and you can't stop them from chasing a tennis ball;Australian Shepherds have had the "kill" instinct modified to make them good herders;Basset Hounds have been bred for short legs to go to ground easier;Bloodhounds have been bred to produce the floppy jowls and ears that aid tracking;Afghans are leggy sprinters with keen eyesight to chase prey visually;Malamutes were bred big and strong to pull great weights; andSiberians are small and energetic to move cargo quickly.In summary, environmental pressure has kept the Northern breeds close to the original phenotype. In the process we have tailored these dogs to their specific job, i.e. pulling in harness and living in human society.But the Malamute and the Siberian DID evolve past the original phenotype because of the changing environment -- i.e., human society. Northern breeds are puppy versions of the wolf. Compared to adult wolves, they have shorter & blockier muzzles, shorter legs, stockier bodies, larger heads, and they are smaller (with a few individual exceptions). Their behavior is also puppyish, i.e., submissive to humans, and generally friendly to other dogs (again exceptions). These are important differences. Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years; at best, wolves are socialized or tamed, but they are NOT domesticated. Wolves and Wolf-Dogs as PetsWe do not recommend that the Average Pet Owner keep a predatory carnivore as a pet, whether it's a wolf, a lion, a bear (or crocodile) -- even if they have been socialized or tamed for generations. We also do not recommend the average pet owner keep a wolf-dog as a pet. Both wolves and wolf-dogs require expert care and facilities and the AVERAGE PET OWNER is unable to provide either.Wolves and wolf-dogs are not marauding killers, they do not carry children off into the forest and murder them, and they do not disguise themselves as Grandma and hide under the bed covers. But with the average pet owner they can be socially shy, aggressive, and "unpredictable" -- this last is ge