Is buying two puppies a good solution for a full time worker?

I would like a puppy, but since I work long hours, it would be outright selfish and unfair to the pup. I really want a puppy though. Would it be fair if I bought/adopted a brother and sister so that they can take care of each other while i'm away?

    Is buying two puppies a good solution for a full time worker?

    I would like a puppy, but since I work long hours, it would be outright selfish and unfair to the pup. I really want a puppy though. Would it be fair if I bought/adopted a brother and sister so that they can take care of each other while i'm away?...
    General Dog Discussions : Is buying two puppies a good solution for a full time worker?...

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    • if ur gone say from 6.30am--5.00 at night probley not because thats not fair to them even if u get 2 dogs its still not fair because dogs were breaded to either keep the owners companey or hunt if u have kids that are home before u and a baby sitter than i juess it s okay put ur self into there shoes f u were dating this guy who was workingfull time and u werent and u were traped in the house buy ur self were u cant bring anyone over what would u feel like probley liek running awayask ur self this

    • Many questions to ask yourself.Where will they be while you are working-crated all day.Puppies need to relieve themselves often.Would they be left alone for long periods of time.How would they be fed/watered while you are gone.Young pups are very dependent on their people for everything!Think it wouldn't be fair to get any pups or dogs while you are working long hours.Unless you have another living with you that could be on hand to care for the pups.Want to be around animals.Go to your local animal shelter and volunteer to walk dogs.They need this in most shelters.The dogs will benefit and you can get your "dog" fix.

    • When I was looking into getting my dog I thought getting two would be a good idea so they could keep each other company but quickly learned it's a really bad idea. It's like having twins. Do you think you could handle two babies while working full time? You will have twice the food, poop, chewing etc. Puppies cannot take care of eachother but I do understand the impulse to have two to keep eachother company while you are away.Honestly it's probably better to start with one and once that one has reached maturity add another.

    • I think there are some questions that need to be answered from you before I could give an accurate opinion. I have had three puppies at the same time before ( a German Shep., a Puggle, and a Min PIn) it was hectic to say the least. The most important thing to ask yourself is if you are willing to spend the little time that you are not working, devoted soley to the puppies. If you have a yard, getting two pups will be much easier because you can leave them in a puppy safe pen with food and water and a doghouse to keep them warm or cool. Although they may play together and keep each other from getting lonely, they will still NEED your attention, affection and time. Puppies need a human will patience to teach them how to behave in social situations will other humans and even other animals, if you don't have enough time to take them into social settings they may be fond of each other but weary of other people and animals. Also, puppies need structure and if your work schedule varies alot I would opt. to suggest that you don't get a dog at all.However, with the right preparations, equipment, and structure you can make this work and acheive happiness for both you and your pups! Don't rush into this but don't be discourage either. There is a solution to every problem :)

    • Why shouldn't you? I think it's a great idea to get two though as a little one will get very lonely all by itself. I'd suggest two from the same litter if you can manage it, either two sister's, two brother's or one of each sex - they'll all get on extremely well together. Full time doesn't mean what it used to does it - you'll be gone maybe 9 - 5 so work out what you're going to do before you go to work - feeding and walking for toilet needs, when you come in its feeds again then toilet walks again and again before you go to bed. Weekends are just for the three of you so make the most of them ha ha. Have you an elderly neighbour that could pop in during the day? It HAS to be someone you trust implicitly to be in your home when you're not, that you trust to care for your puppies and to feed them and clean up after them. Have you look into having them cared for during your working hours? There's places and people that will take care of your little one's during the day - for a fee of course - but at least that way you'll know that they are not in the house alone getting up to all sorts and that they have human company. Don't worry, they won't bond with their carer's, you're the 'mum' and they'll know that, you'll have them all evening and throughout the night as well as weekends and holidays. Ensure that they are socialised with other dogs - thats why a puppy 'creche' is a good idea - and that you take them to training school one or two evenings a week. they'll be the best company you've ever had and, once all the puppy misbehaviour ha ha is out of the way, you'll wonder what you did with yourself of an evening! Best of luck to you.

    • I agree, in a since......but unless you have plenty of time in the beginning to properly socialize them and training is KEY for a puppie to begin as soon as possible. 1 puppie will be lonely.....2 will give each other company while your at work. I would not listen to whom ever said NOT to get 2 out of the same litter, or a responsible breeder would not sell you 2 out of the same littler is Long as you buy the puppies on a neuter/spay contract....there is no concern for breeding that would be a smart idea...they will have been together since birth......Good Luck.......or may be you could adopt siblings form a little at your local shelter.

    • If it is unfair to ONE dog then having two means you will be unfair to TWO. But I don't want to sound just "mean" I really have some good reasons for this advice.1) Puppies need to be crated when you are away from home. If they are each in a crate, then they can't play with each other anyway. If they are together and NOT in a crate...then you are likely to come home to a house full of poop, pee, and destruction--not because they are bad, but because they are puppies.2) Puppies don't "take care of each other"--they are puppies and will only play together and destroy the house and potty everywhere. It is AWESOME to have two dogs and watch them play and they do provide a lot of exercise for one another...but if you are only considering getting two so they won't be won't get what you want because they shouldn't be left alone that long unsupervised.3) Puppies need socialization and exposure to the world: different people, healthy dogs, sights, sounds, textures, different locations, etc. If you don't have time to socialize ONE dog then it will be terribly difficult to socialize TWO dogs.4) Puppies that grow up together and spend most of their time together will bond strongly to each other and NOT very strongly to you. This can create problems in training and anxiety when one dog is away. It takes time to train ONE dog and if you don't have time (because of working long hours) to train one dog then two will be TWICE as hard.5) When you come home puppies will have TON of energy to play. Will you be able to harness the energy of TWO of them for good things and help them avoid chewing things up or acting like loonies (in a good, fun puppy way of course)?It's a big job to handle. I would recommend you NOT get any puppy at all unless you can take the doggy into doggy daycare every day or hire a dog sitter to come by and give it breaks throughout the day for potty and play time. If you do that then you won't need a second puppy.

    • you already answered your own question here! yes it would be selfish to a dog even with its brother or sister puppys need training and a lot of time, love, understanding for you to bond, they need exercise, also think about this after a long day at work what do you like to do ... take a relaxing bath have some dinner , would you instead want to come home to clear up there mess as they want be trained that quick as you havent the time then take them for a long walk as thet will need it being keep in doors allday then they will want love cuddled and you to play with them, please really think before jumping into this please for the dogs sake ask this question to yourself is it really fair on them?

    • Puppies demand alot of attention and if your not able to check on them or play with them they might be really hard to deal with later on, I do believe wholeheartedly that 2 is better than 1, they do keep each other company I have 2 and it's the best thing I ever did, I was only going to get one but they are pitbulls and the other one was going to be put down because it's a pit and they are outlawed in Denver so it didn't take alot to convince to me to take the other one, they are great dogs and I have alot of experience with them, I have owned many pits, but for you I would wait a while or at least find someone to help with them while your not home.

    • i understand wanting a dog when your busy...i was working full time when i got my 6month old jack russell terrier and it was hard she cried everytime i left and destroyed the house....but if u do it the times when ur not working you'll probably be spending all your time taking care of the dogs...its not the best idea because all dogs need alot of attention...its better if u have someone else thats willing to girlfriend bought it for me so i wasnt the only one taking care of it...its also not a great idea because they need alot of dicipline and if your not there to do that it could cause a behavior problem...which is wut happend with my dog and im haveing to work on that now...

    • Keeping puppies locked in the house while you work long hours is completely selfish and irresponsible; what would you say about a person who neglected kids in the same way?! Dogs need attention, discipline and TLC. Get a goldfish until you have more time at home

    • Oh my gosh, this is ambitious, but really consider what you are doing. Puppies are tons of work. This is not to say people who work full time can't and don't own puppies, but I would start with one and take your time training it, socializing it, etc. before getting another one. Remember, dogs can't take care of each other, only people can take care of them! Besides, one puppy wreaks enough havoc as it is. Two could be a real disaster!!!

    • NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!Buying two puppies, although sounds like a super idea, is not a good idea if you are out all day. The puppies will rely on each other for company/playmates etc and will therefore be nearly impossible to train.If you like the idea of 2 dogs for company then I woudl definitey recommend that you get one dog first, the when it is fully trained and slightly matured you could get another (unrelated) puppy or another option is to adopt one of the many fantastic dogs in rescue centres (or maybe 2 rescue dogs?)Good luck and I hope you find the right dog(s) for you and your family

    • hi would advise against it we have one dog and i work part time and he still doesn't get all the attention he deserves. they take about double what you think they will too look after, what about a rabbit?

    • Yes,two puppies are a good idea,so that they keep themselves company while you are out.don't forget though that you have to get them some quality time whenever you can-walks games cuddles potty training education.but you definiTely get them,they are very good company!If you can get them more in te summer,so you can spend more time with them,so that in the winter they will have been potty trained-If you can organize it for the winter ask a neighbour or a friend to drop by while you are not at home to let the dogs out

    • I don't know if this is right or not, but I was told that getting two puppies at the same time is a bad idea coz they form their own mini 'pack' and end up becoming harder to train - if one misbehaves, then the other one would follow their lead and they could 'gang up' against you like naughty kids. Yes they might be less bored, but the fact that two of them are left to their own devices all day every day could cause more problems than it's worth.