Planning on adopting a puppy in another country?

Im considering adopting a puppy in the states, they only have the breed my fiance said it would most fit his lifestyle. Do we have to pay for the puppy crossing the border line? We also go camping in the states often and we would like to take our dog, is…

    Planning on adopting a puppy in another country?

    Im considering adopting a puppy in the states, they only have the breed my fiance said it would most fit his lifestyle. Do we have to pay for the puppy crossing the border line? We also go camping in the states often and we would like to take our dog, is…...
    General Dog Discussions : Planning on adopting a puppy in another country?...

    • Planning on adopting a puppy in another country?

      Planning on adopting a puppy in another country? General Dog Discussions
      Im considering adopting a puppy in the states, they only have the breed my fiance said it would most fit his lifestyle. Do we have to pay for the puppy crossing the border line? We also go camping in the states often and we would like to take our dog, is there a price for the dog?

      Planning on adopting a puppy in another country?

      Planning on adopting a puppy in another country? General Dog Discussions
    • ?Most agencies will not adopt to non-residents. What has the specific agency said? They can give you the correct information. If you want information about customs and such, simply google "American customs dog transportation".

    • No there's no price for dogs, but you can't take them on some trails.Most agencies will not adopt to non-residents. What has the specific agency said? They can give you the correct information. If you want information about customs and such, simply google "American customs dog transportation".

    • No. there is no import fee for puppies. You will have to promise to keep it confined until it has a rabies vaccs and for 30 days after. When you cross the border for vacations there is also no fee- just make sure to bring the proof of rabies vaccine with you.