What is the best way to get over my fear of dogs?

I am afraid of dogs but none of my friends sre....I want to get over it!

    What is the best way to get over my fear of dogs?

    I am afraid of dogs but none of my friends sre....I want to get over it!...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What is the best way to get over my fear of dogs?...

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    • What is the best way to get over my fear of dogs?

      What is the best way to get over my fear of dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
      I am afraid of dogs but none of my friends sre....I want to get over it!

      What is the best way to get over my fear of dogs?

      What is the best way to get over my fear of dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
    • just go to your local animal shelter and just do a little meet and greet with a dog, people from the animal shelter will be there to help you out if you get scared. most dogs aren't mean they show affection on many different levels. so i would suggest trying to be with a lab because they are friendly dogs

    • You need to find out why you are afraid of dogs, were you bitten as a child? Did your parents over react around dogs and pass their fear onto you? Half the battle is knowing why you are afraid. Once you realise what the problem is you can start to change your behaviour by gradually being around dogs, not even touching them to start off with, just so as you brain recognises that they mean you no harm and then you can relax.

    • It can be difficult and is sometimes best to see a therapist to help you.However you could just try with having a neighbour bring their dog rounds, only if it's friendly and well behaved. If you remain calm the dog will pick up on this behaviour and know that you are calm and so will be calm itself. Allowing you to pet it.It takes time, and some people who are very afraid of dogs, get a puppy to help them out of their fear. Only with research though and it depends on the person.Good luck and I hope you over come your fear :)