How to stop a puppy barking?

Hi, my 5 month old Labrador has just started barking, she used to be really timid now she barks at everything and everyone. Are their training methods I can use to stop this?

    How to stop a puppy barking?

    Hi, my 5 month old Labrador has just started barking, she used to be really timid now she barks at everything and everyone. Are their training methods I can use to stop this?...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How to stop a puppy barking?...

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    • How to stop a puppy barking?

      How to stop a puppy barking? Dogs Training Discussions
      Hi, my 5 month old Labrador has just started barking, she used to be really timid now she barks at everything and everyone. Are their training methods I can use to stop this?

      How to stop a puppy barking?

      How to stop a puppy barking? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Sometimes they do it for your attention.If it barks, rather than yelling at it, you have to praise it and speak to it in a nice voice. It will actually stop barking because its gotten your attention.But I mean, It depends what it is barking at?Also, because it's so young, maybe it has to be told words like "No." so it knows when to not bark

    • What you could do is buy a muzzle and when she barks put it on her and then say quite and then show her the muzzle after you have had it on her long enough where she thinks that the muzzle is a bad thing

    • well, you can go to a feed store or wal mart and get an anti barking collar and put it on dont want her to have a sore throat and get really nervous...........give her kisses for me !!!!!!!!!!!!

    • You have to try and calm her.You can look at some online videos and ask professionals online.Once you have started to calm her she will be fine.If she starts barking,just stroke her and cuddle her, and fuss her, tell her to shh and be gentle,justlike a baby when its crying really.

    • When the dog starts barking, you need to distract the dog , use a whistle . if that doesnt work get a spray bottle and fill it with water, spary the dog a couple of times when he starts barking. the dog will learn. good not spray his face, just his body.

    • Sounds like fear -related aggression. Use a desensitisation programme. Tell her to sit when someone's approaching, and make sure her attention is on you. If she doesn't bark reward her. If she does, don't give her anything. Over time she should learn that not barking at these things is good.

    • Well, if your dog doesn't like water, you could use a spray bottle. Or, every time she starts barking excessively, take her to a quiet place, or like a time-out area. If she's just alerting you of something say "Okay,_______ that's enough" sternly. Just show your dog excessive barking is not welcome, but in subtle ways, they think they're alerting you to something.

    • I recommend reading "Barking, the Sound of a Language" by Turid Rugaas. There are five different types of barking. She recommends1. Documenting when the dog barks2. Determining the type of barking (Excitement, Warning, Fear, Guard, Frustration)3. Addressing the root cause.The cure for the dog who barks because it is excited to see another dog is not the same as the cure for the dog who barks because it is afraid to see another dog. Beware of simplistic one-size-fits-all solutions. Remember that barking is meant to communicate something, not just to irritate you.

    • Dr Desmond Morris "Dog Watching" is a good informative read. It analyses what each bark means what to a dog. eg alerting the pack, warning interlopers etcOne tried and tested method of stopping a dog barking is, believe it or not, to teach it to speak on command and by doing that you introduce a stop command also.Enjoy your Lab. A crackin' dog as you will see on the attached sitehttp://tedthedogbooks. com